Example sentences of "[conj] looked [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fundamental difference between the two routes , then , is that a pronunciation is either built up from sublexical components ( ‘ assembled ’ phonology ) or looked up as a whole ( ‘ addressed ’ phonology ) .
2 Artists know that this has happened , but much of the art establishment has n't caught up with events , or looked back at the past in the light of that .
3 Corporate finance that looked right under the old rules can look drastically wrong if the rules change
4 On the way to Whitby and the first hostel , we turned off at Skinningrove , a steel-producing town that looked exactly like a slice of Newcastle 's backstreets scooped up and set down on the rugged coastline .
5 Of course he picked all those that looked most like the wretched bowl of fruit .
6 In the fire-comer stood a black-and-white goat , with knobby little horns and eyes like yellow glass , and on the hearth lay a very large cat , a multi-coloured , mazy-patterned brindled cat , that looked up at the little tailor with eyes like cold green jewels , with black slits for pupils .
7 It seemed curious to be describing such ice-cold seas while sitting in a palm-thatched Bahamian beach café that looked on to a shoreline where pelicans perched under the diamond-hard sun .
8 The child followed Aggie through the middle arch and towards a heavy , paintless oak door , then into a room dimly lit by a window that looked on to the covered way .
9 So I walked down the steep corridor to the huts that looked outwardly like the huts of both my TV hospital and the real one forty years ago .
10 He had to move slowly , carefully on the stairs because , for a brief moment , he was in full sight of the soldiers through the big plate glass window that looked out onto the narrow quay .
11 So he started work in the office and showroom , a long narrow room on the first floor with windows that looked out onto the street , with shelves filled with lines of business machines , computers , word processors , the screens flickering as Lewis , Barnett 's other assistant , experimented with them .
12 They found themselves in a long corridor with one glass wall that looked out into a bright , modern , open-plan and spacious area .
13 At about 10,000ft ( 3300m ) we broke out of the trees into an area of grassland that looked vaguely like a Scottish moor and decided to camp for the night .
14 The track had , he recalled , two branches , separating as it dropped from the heathy ridge that looked down upon the river .
15 Elinor had woken up and was trying on a black dress that looked more like a kind of solo tent than anything else .
16 It was a smashing exhibition , that looked more like the charge in a one-dayer than the eighth of 15 available sessions in a Test .
17 He looked up and saw the vicar carrying a book that looked more like an illustrated part work from W. H. Smith 's than Holy Writ .
18 I did n't know the man who stepped out and looked straight at the door which the old buffer porter had managed to close .
19 She opened her eyes and looked straight into the beautiful face of the Italian .
20 He sat back with a satisfied grin and looked contently around the open-plan hygienic nonentity of his executive sitting room in his executive house on an executive estate in Pangbourne .
21 He sat up gingerly and looked slowly around the cell .
22 As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out .
23 She helped the younger woman to the kitchen , put her on a chair and looked round for the kettle .
24 Cissy Salt , her baby face hard and cold as a coin , stood back from the couch and looked round at the trembling tearful group .
25 The man kicked the dog into a corner and looked round at the signs of battle .
26 She paused outside the villa , and looked round at the dark hills against the starry sky .
27 Carrie leaned on the table and looked closely at the middle-aged man sitting facing her .
28 When the coffee was done , he turned towards Oliver and looked closely at the boy .
29 Cadfael kneeled behind the dead man 's shoulders , and looked closely at the indented wound , in which white points of bone showed in the centre of the encrusted blood .
30 He sounded rather depressed , and looked sadly into the fire .
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