Example sentences of "[conj] looked [prep] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 I always intended to , but I wanted a reason or some credibility to go back with , so that our gesture was n't completely fruitless or looked as if it had been a complete waste of time .
2 I turned my head away quickly , but I had had time to take in another feature — his rather sharp , small nose that looked as if it might have been broken in a boxing match .
3 Delaney stood with one foot on the hull of the craft that looked as if it owed more to space technology than to marine engineering .
4 Ray Shepherd was a tall man with a craggy , lined face that looked as if it had once been weathered but was now the colour of chalk .
5 In the part in which she was standing was a small table and two chairs and an iron contraption that looked as if it might be used for some form of heating .
6 The bomber that looked as if it was always flying downhill is the subject of this account of 4 Group 's operations during 1939 and 1940 .
7 ‘ I believe we 're the only ones left , ’ said Jed as they stopped at East Acton , a rather dark little station that looked as if it might be out in the country .
8 But it was , in fact , a bundle of dark clothing that looked as if it had been hurled against the far wall of the darkened yard .
9 There was a heavy entrance door that looked as if it might be airtight , but it was wedged back .
10 One of them was a slim pamphlet that looked as if it might be the catalogue .
11 He was dressed in a suit that looked as if it needed pressing .
12 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
13 He was thankful she was n't wearing boots but her hair had disappeared again under an awful black felt hat that looked as if it might have been her father 's , and when she handed her coat in at the cloakroom she kept the hat on .
14 Long , unkempt hair , several missing teeth , and a nose that looked as if it had met more than one fist in its owner 's lifetime did nothing for his general appearance .
15 She had taken , this spring , to a sort of generalized reverence that looked as if it was planned to accommodate any new religion to which her son or his girl-friend might have become attached .
16 She was wearing a chartreuse dress that looked as if it had been spray-painted on .
17 He had plenty of routine , and a new one that looked as if it might be interesting : the murder of a whole family in a bright new Span house in Blackheath .
18 It had all trees on it and looked as if it had been made for picnics .
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