Example sentences of "[conj] less [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is thus a clear case for reform and change , more or less radical according to different diagnoses , in the very area of political institutions and conventions where the principle of democracy is allowed and claimed to be operative .
2 Our personas will be more or less realistic depending on how well we can identify their prototypes , and how linguistically adept we are at mimicking them .
3 Gas and oil pipelines were already being laid and the first oil and gas field at Eckofisk was more or less ready to come on stream at that time .
4 This did not lead him to question the principle of majority decisions ; but it did lead him to pay attention to the social , cultural and economic conditions in which the will of all , or the will of the majority , would be more rather than less likely to coincide with " the general will " , by which Rousseau meant what all of us would will if we thought of ourselves not as private individuals but as citizens identifying ourselves with the good of the community .
5 It is , in the words of the Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , 1966 , para. 127 , " to combat theft by making it more difficult and less profitable to dispose of stolen property " .
6 In any case the years of growth came to an end in the 1970s : structure plans , ideal documents perhaps for broad-brush indication of options in spatial development , became less and less suitable to cope with a ‘ no change ’ situation .
7 It is easier and less contentious to talk about professional development in terms of structures , frameworks , resources and methods , rather than in relation to desirable forms of personal knowledge and understanding .
8 This is seen as part of its policy to make citizens more self-reliant , and less prone to look to the state for financial and practical support when they are out of work , chronically sick , elderly and infirm and so on .
9 Compared with sheet vinyl , they are easier and less wasteful to lay in awkwardly-shaped rooms .
10 In the country generally , two-thirds of those are in the C2 , DE categories , which by any socio-economic definition will be the less prosperous end of the market and less able to cope with rises of 17.5 per cent eventually in the cost of a basic part of the household budget .
11 After 1848 , the Tsar 's forces were , relative to his rivals , increasingly technically backward ; he was less and less able to intervene as gendarme .
12 It 's not necessarily anti-male prejudice — men are more likely to be full-time at work and less able to look after the kids .
13 By 1899 California had a 35,000-strong Japanese community , economically successful , culturally discrete and less inclined to integrate into the ‘ melting pot ’ than most other national groups .
14 The tone is different ; it is more optimistic , more likely to assume that the process of historical change being viewed has at least some positive attributes , and less likely to dwell on social ‘ ills ’ or problems .
15 Once a worry-eater — usually a woman — learns to become more aware of herself and her emotions in the way shown in part II , she will be more able to control her reactions to stress and anxiety and less likely to turn to food for comfort .
16 Those so denied their cushy jobs will be suitable miffed and less likely to care about slagging us off , or what we do .
17 Recognising that some form of help is required by these fish as they are invariably suffering from stress , damaged fins and shock brought about by different water conditions , and not wanting to use anything alien to their systems , I felt that herbs would be gentler and less likely to result in any problems with breeding the fish later .
18 We know , moreover , that the more affluent among the old in Britain are more likely to feel that they enjoy good health and less likely to suffer from conditions which restrict their mobility and capacity to participate in a wide range of social and cultural activities than the least well-off ( GHS 1986 ; 126 ) .
19 The actual situation is much starker , and less comfortable to live with .
20 The second major set of structures start from the late Palaeozoic ( though may also be much older ) and relate to the collisions and less obvious splitting along the line of the Mediterranean/Tethys .
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