Example sentences of "[conj] since it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This sparrow-sized bird is dull brown and grey in colour , and since it spends much of its time scurrying around on the ground , it often looks more like a mouse than a bird .
2 This is a reasonable sample , and since it contains large and small departments , Scottish and English universities , and departments active in several sub-fields , it is considered representative .
3 At the time of the acquisition insurance analysts said that AMP had aspirations to expand , and since it controls one third of the Australian life insurance market its opportunities were limited in that country .
4 The first three gospels contain no reference to Christ 's having made any such great discourses as fill chapters 13–16 of St John , and since it seems unlikely that the author of the Gospel took notes during the utterance of this sublime discourse , we have to assume them to be a literary creation .
5 Cunnilingus is a marginal case but since it involves genital contact and may involve a form of penetration , there is a case for placing it within the more serious category .
6 It turns I into I , 2 into 4 , but since it turns I + 2= 3 into 9 , which we can all agree is not equal to I + 4 , it does not satisfy [ 5a ] .
7 But since it suits ill with his vocation , and perhaps bodes no good to — the other one — neither of them may be anxious to say it openly for all to hear .
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