Example sentences of "[conj] 's [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 now there , there 's youths that 's hung round that , hung round school gates they ought to be prosecuted
2 One possibility that 's emerged from that research , is that mercury vapour from gold burning may be combining with the ash and the other products of combustion the forest , to produce an even more toxic ingredient in a lethal brew .
3 One one six , that 's , that 's what it was , but we 're actually saying that 's increased to two million in ninety three ninety four .
4 Erm , I too endorse the er views expressed by other members , but I think it 's also worth commenting on the work that , and contribution that 's made of voluntary , by by volunteers to the work of the archivist , which is referred to in the report .
5 I 'm just wondering if there that 's related to that scripture that I 've just showed you
6 But how often do the I mean , they they do n't give you they do n't give you every detail that 's gone on all week !
7 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
8 If you do something at speed , it 's really the accumulation of everything that 's gone before that has got you to that point .
9 It 's a disease that 's characterised by fatiguable muscle weakness .
10 I do n't think it should cause you any problems , but it is something that 's come on late erm as a result of maternity cover .
11 I mean , if you look in the budget this year , one parent benefit was frozen , the additional personal allowance that 's paid for one parents for taxation was also frozen , and the government does not like paying any benefits to one parent families because horror of horrors !
12 The first freshers ' dinner I went to in Oxford — this is where the the people who 've just come up erm are introduced to college life and so on — erm the amount that 's allocated to each student is two sherries before dinner , three or four glasses of wine , different wines , with dinner and then something or other — port — after dinner .
13 I think just to conclude the the engine of growth argument , erm , has obviously been raised in relation to other new settlements , notably Cambridge and and this has been referred to already , erm the situation in Cambridge is different to York in in that the level of growth that 's that 's anticipated for that city is is is significantly higher , and the new settlement erm proposals there have been considered in in that regard and and just for the record C P R E have supported the the new settlement in that particular location , but it does seem to me that the returning to your basic point , that that erm if one applies those circumstances in Nor North Yorkshire it does fly in the face of of established policy in the structure plan , and the overriding er policy is is one of restraint in what is is considered to be one of the country 's most sensitive environmental areas , thank you .
14 No I was gon na say , when you think of all the money that 's spent with these very elaborate er headstones erm creations showing angels looking down on them , plonking at their harps and god knows what .
15 Well I promise I wo n't keep them more than that , but this coming from a party that 's brought about that , and then being critical of others and the lack of intent , I think the he said it right at the beginning we have a very good education system , and I 'm saying we 've got one despite this Government .
16 Well I mean , the , the the irony is , if you look in the Brigade 's statistics chart , the one that 's attached to that one , the aeroplane crash would come under special service calls other so it 's a miscellaneous column , so it 's not even a road accident , it 's some other .
17 There is a word that 's used , there 's a term that 's used for this sort of effect this is the term it used to be called
18 Again this is a term that 's passed into everyday speech .
19 In other words , you are saying that the morality to be found in George Eliot 's novels is quite different from the more conventional Christian morality that 's found in other novels of that period .
20 Alright , risk and uncertainty is something that 's excluded from most economic models .
21 Er , it 's not a funding system that er that we would choose to work under , we would want to keep the rents as low as possible er , but it 's one that 's set by central government through the housing corporation and that we have to live with .
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