Example sentences of "[conj] still retain [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whole milk contains fat , so a better choice that still retains the calcium content is semi-skimmed or skimmed milk .
2 Cohn is , of course , an emigré in Manhattan , and still retains the outsider 's ability to perceive his new-found-land as a wholly exotic terrain .
3 In one unwelcome marriage you learn much about the means of evading a second , and still retaining the consequence gained by the first .
4 Onto one line I tie a size 2 , straight-eyed , forged hook , which has been carefully honed with a fine carborundum stone to razor sharpness , and the barb reduced to a bare minimum so as not to impeded penetration but still retain a degree of holding power .
5 The most appealing aspect of The Smiths is their charisma — working class street boys made good but still retain an aura of mystery .
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