Example sentences of "[conj] she would probably [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
2 She did not believe that she would ever do it , for she told herself that she was free ; she thought that she would probably end by prolonging , in some way , her present situation , by returning for vacations and for long dead summers .
3 She thought that she would probably like her very much if she met her properly .
4 But consideration apart , Josie 's answer was the one that she 'd probably have given anyway .
5 ‘ He 's okay , ’ Sandy said , in the same kind of tone that she 'd probably use to describe an indifferent sandwich .
6 Dalgliesh remembered her whispered confidence to Theresa in the car , the child 's intent face and brief transforming smile , and thought that she understood one child at least far better than she would probably claim .
7 Except she 'd probably freeze without it .
8 There was no school on a Saturday and she would probably demand that he take her skating on the frozen lakes in the park — and in all honesty he did n't want to disappoint her .
9 He saw no reason to add that from now on , her body would break down : she would gradually become slower in her movements , she would tire more easily and lack stamina , and she would probably have another stroke in seven years ' time — at the latest .
10 Even so , those with grace always know how to be graceful and she would probably understand the true meaning of the gesture .
11 Anpetuwi was small — a breeding ground for gossip , and she 'd probably end up regretting it if she turned and walked up that hill .
12 The law could n't do much to her , and she 'd probably get a few columns .
13 used to teach there and she 'd probably know the right person to write to .
14 TILDA Swinton is fast becoming an icon of British arthouse cinema , though she would probably dispute the term .
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