Example sentences of "[conj] that be probably because " in BNC.

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1 I think its very significant , here we are and lots of people have admitted to being a victim of crime but statistics show that twenty five per cent of women will be assaulted within a relationship and yet no women here has said that and that 's probably because the women who have been so assaulted feels somehow it is their own fault , its somehow shameful .
2 We get one or two people who perhaps get er psychosis or paranoia from using it very regularly , but most people seem to be able to use it without too many difficulties , er amphetamines are probably the next most common drug , and that 's probably because it 's manufactured quite locally , er it 's quite easy to make , it 's quite cheap , and it 's very popular , particularly among the younger age group .
3 But that 's probably because the firm was in a hell of a mess when he took over .
4 True , they had behaved coldly to her afterwards but that was probably because they were envious of the success of her tea parties , to which she did not always feel obliged to invite them …
5 When her alarm woke her up the next morning , she felt heavy-eyed and lacking in energy , but that was probably because her sleep had been long in coming and had been plagued with dreams when she had eventually managed to drop off .
6 Paige found herself quite hungry , but that was probably because she 'd eaten very little the night before .
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