Example sentences of "[conj] they have come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 There was one early proposal about archaeology which became a series called The Blood of the British , where they had come in with the idea of the series .
2 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
3 And they 've come up with a splendid route , over 80 miles of miles of deep valley walks , riverside and forest walks ending with a cliff top section at Filey .
4 And they 've come up with several suggestions .
5 Many people have looked at this before and they 've come up with various prognostic markers , some of which are extremely complicated .
6 Either way it should be helpful Now , interestingly people , more recently , and by that the late seventies and the eighties , have attempted to actually operationalise and measure the principles and they 've come up with some fairly ingen ingenious experimental designs to take tha to explore these avenues .
7 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
8 Erm , I think the charge that has been laid against myself personally and my myself and my colleagues is the charge of vacillation and changing our mind and I and I am grateful to c my colleague David for reminding us that we have in this county had two years two years when the Labour party and the Conservative party have been hand in glove , absolutely determined that the way forward in relation to homes , elderly persons homes , not that 's not to close any and now we 've had a complete volte face when they 've changed their minds and they 've come along with us .
9 Erm , the , all the arguments for and against organic dips have been considered this last nine months by the Veterinary Products Committee , and they 've come out with a report I think , that satisfies no one , because it does n't go either , either way in that respect at all , it 's called for more research and , and erm , development in that , in that sense .
10 Yeah they 're all up now , and they 've come out just as
11 There 's half , half these people come out of jail and they , and they 've come out and they 're back in !
12 Ever since Mum had married Ken Lomax and they had come up here , he had felt useless .
13 When it was Meehan 's turn and they asked him what he had been doing that night , he said he had driven to Stranraer ( to case the motor taxation office , he admitted later ) with an Englishman called Jim Griffiths ; and they had come back via the outskirts of Ayr in the early hours of the morning .
14 And er , we 'll see that if they 've , if they 've come through with the goods all right .
15 I think we owe it to people like or at least to give them another crack at the whip to see if they 've come on in that interim period cos it 's a good six months since we interviewed
16 Waiting to see if they 've come out .
17 Old Joseph was glad he kept the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since then he has taken them out and displayed them as if they had come in with the post .
18 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
19 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
20 You knew who was Black if they were a colleague , and who was gay if they had come out at work .
21 I wonder if they have come up against a rapacity of the of the rates .
22 that are grumbling cos they 've come down , but really they 've come down to the same level as
23 The youngsters , Peter and Nona , had been hurt by blast and Peter had been burnt in the back , but they had come off lightly .
24 Because they 've come out with a report saying what we 've been saying for the
25 No my friend 's in the trade I said they 're basically working but they 've got a halt on somewhere because they 've come back you 'll have to sort out the you 've got but er they 're only one ten
26 Not till they had come up onto the green did he realise that the figure in waterproofs pulling the doctor 's trolley was Chris .
27 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
28 He had seemed pale and jittery ever since they had come in .
29 ‘ I have had people like Cilla Black and Petula Clarke fall into my arms in floods of tears after they 've come off from that one .
30 She had tried to explain this feeling to Gay and Felicity , when they had come out of the Jade Cockatoo on their last night together ; but she had known all the time that it was n't a thing that could be explained .
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