Example sentences of "[conj] he began [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Braidwood , however , found that Geikie was so well educated and so far in advance of the other students that he began to use him more as an assistant teacher rather than as a pupil .
2 No sooner was he striding across that tedious countryside , pretending to be interested in disused châteaux and drab churches ( three months ! ) than he began to miss me .
3 As with so many things , no sooner had he taken the idea to himself than he began to resent it passionately .
4 Then I played a trick on Michael , who was a great chatter-up of girls at that time , and told him this person in costume was very keen on him , so he began to chat him up .
5 When it was midnight and Rodrigo was fast asleep , the leper breathed against him between his shoulders , and that breath was so strong that it passed through him , even through his breast ; and he awoke , being astounded , and felt for the leper by him , and found him not ; and he began to call him , but there was no reply .
6 A shiver went through him and he began to wish he were back in the bar .
7 She turned over and lay on top of him , trying to pin him down with her own slight weight , and he began to fondle her and she him , and almost at once they were making love again .
8 I took him on and we did a massive improvization on the spot and he began to respect me . ’
9 His face was scarlet and twisted with hate and he began to attack me like a wild animal .
10 His mouth made a tight , grim line , and he began to shake her hard , so hard that her teeth rattled .
11 Rachel … ! ’ as though he was going mad , and he began to enter her , making her clutch at his body , gasping , becoming one with him , overwhelmed with emotion as her pulse grew faster , louder , harder …
12 For a fraction of a second , a strange , satanic glitter lit up Lucie 's eyes and his fist clenched and he began to punch it in the air .
13 Then she flung herself on to his stomach , squealing with delight , and he began to tickle her .
14 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
15 And he began to tell me yet again ( I liked to hear , though — I loved theatre tales ) of his early days , his few triumphs .
16 We sat down by the fire and he began to tell me his story .
17 Suddenly I became a target for this lunatic , and he began to shower me with machine-gun bullets .
18 Her abused posterior faced him , and he began to soothe it by gently applying a liquid cream .
19 But he began to use it to express what he called ‘ an art which touches and grips one 's own heart 's blood . ’
20 I do n't remember his words now and it would be ethically wrong for me to make them up , but he began to tell me that there was something in my lung .
21 They met him , but he began to feel it was because he paid , they had stopped protesting , they let him offer , explaining his luck , apologising for it , for the suit he had bought , for the new shirts .
22 Just as he began to hoist her upwards , she turned on him and snapped , ‘ Leave me alone !
23 As he began to carry her away a half-formed thought , a prickle of awareness , came from her subconscious .
24 She paused , then as he began to protest she added .
25 As he began to profess they were ‘ really just good friends ’ , Kylie was strangely sticking to her guns .
26 We know that Wordsworth thought highly of this entry , for he began to copy it into a notebook , and used its phrases in a fragment of poetry :
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