Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] have had " in BNC.

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1 Had I been asked to imagine myself as I would have looked during that time , you can be sure that I would have had the beautiful gown , the ruffled frill and the bejewelled fingers of a lady .
2 I could n't explain that I would have had to leave in a month or so anyway — but I pointed out that in fact I was n't well , had n't been for quite a while whatever he chose to think , and that a rest would do me good .
3 I got an education there that was as good as , if not better than , that I would have had at Westminster .
4 In the third place , you may recall that I escorted you to your room at half-past twelve ; but the college gates are locked at midnight , from which it follows that I would have had to rouse the duty porter in order both to be let out and to be let in again , something he will most certainly confirm I did not do .
5 " I was glad to have a second chance to be leader to correct some of the insensitivities that I may have had , because of my own personal drive , wanting to get things done .
6 ‘ He says I had the tools , the knowledge , the opportunity and the location , and he looked up those races I rode at Ascot and worked out that I could have had time between the first two and the last to drive to Maidenhead and remove Harry 's car .
7 I looked up to him , he was the big brother that I should have had .
8 That I should have had an abortion or given it away .
9 It 's only just been serviced so I would have had something to say if there 'd been a problem .
10 As it turned out , you were n't so vulnerable , but the confusion then was real because it was all fairly new to you , so I could have had you then . ’
11 I did n't wan na go the hospital 'cos they 'd have wanted to know how I did it and I would have had to turkey in there .
12 Our prisoners are kept safe in the bilboes you were prescient to despatch , and I would have had this Dulay hanged but that he might in death prove a beacon to this same rabble and draw them on to greater reprisals against us , and we are still but few in number .
13 A little longer and I would have had some difficulty . ’
14 ‘ Ah , but think of the weeping and wailing my uncle and I would have had to endure if you had n't used your skill to save the wretched poodle .
15 And I would have had me tape on .
16 If whatever happened to Summerchild had n't happened , I think , once again , then … then Timmy and I might have had a rather better quality of life .
17 ‘ I 've worked out now that I 've hit the woodwork 10 times this season , so two inches either way and I could have had 14 goals instead of four , ’ he lamented .
18 It was n't that I minded Fenella and I could have had fun doing a wind-up on her parents .
19 If you had said the word , Mam would have gone along with you and I could have had the child and had a life of my own .
20 ‘ When I read the Medau News , ‘ she says , ‘ I am completely overwhelmed with admiration at the way my Medau colleagues have created a Medau world in this country — far beyond any pipe dreams Molly and I could have had in the early years of struggle .
21 So all I 've got to do is when I run out again fill it up again spending another twenty five quid 's worth or so that would have been six and I could have had a free Corgi toy for Ricky for Christmas .
22 Of course I have n't written the review — I doubt if I should have had time , my own work takes up too much . ’
23 I would have done better if I 'd have had more time .
24 It was a figure in a mask and a jacksuit with all this gear in pockets all over it , and she had a headset , and one for me , one like I would have had on if I had n't taken off in such a hurry , and she had jets , which no Gnat would have been seen dead with .
25 It must be marvellous to be an instrumentalist or a singer good enough to hold an audience in your spell , like Maria Callas or Yehudi Menuhin. but I would have had to be at the top , not just scraping along .
26 ‘ The goals are starting to come — but I could have had about 20 by now . ’
27 I took their advice , but I must have had an inclination towards food to have ended up as I have .
28 While I might have had difficulty believing you at that particular moment two years ago , it was two years ago .
29 The Unionist MP Ken Maginnis , a former UDR member , said : ‘ What I hope is not happening is that people who — as I would have had in my time — had montages for lawful and necessary purposes will be made scapegoats . ’
30 I did not take any of that seriously , though I would have had to be ice all through to hear it with utter in-difference .
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