Example sentences of "[conj] i try [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't for God 's sake , do that y'know it 's what I find is , once panic sets in w and that 's usually either the night before or the day , I d anything that I try and read does n't really go in very well .
2 These are n't things you get off in a hurry , so I try and remain calm , although suddenly I 'm pretty certain I 've got one on my chest .
3 I want to get summat else to play with and I try and get up , but Peter holds me by the arm .
4 A couple of them 's got ‘ B's in them and I try and work out which one 's for me , but it 's too hard .
5 I mean is there anybody here , who honestly ca n't think of anybody who they know , I mean , perhaps if I try and rephrase that , is there anybody here who can not think of somebody who 's suffered an illness that fits into that critical illness er , category .
6 Yeah , so if you had if I try and draw it much the same if you had that and let's choose let's choose er , well le , let's keep the same let's keep to the same carbon chain if you had that the carbon skeleton is exactly the same the only way it differs is that the O H group here is on carbon one of that chain that we 've chosen where as here , it 's on carbon two of that chain .
7 Er I mean if I if I try and cover it with one of our professional salesmen ,
8 Erm if I try and do too much you might see you might be forgetting as much as you learn might n't you and that 's why it 's important for you to do these do these exercises .
9 If I try and do all them .
10 Yeah , but that 's , just one , I mean I 'm not gon na record , if I try and record the whole of the course
11 But I was there , he had but they never had one before that , and Barry had erm , erm does it all before you and erm cos I try and go up there swing like this .
12 People say all sorts of things about me , they say I 'm eccentric and off-centre but I try and ignore all that . ’
13 So , you know , I , I do n't want to be too jolly , because er , er that , that , that 's er , as bad as being morbid , is n't it and miserable , but I try and strike er , a happy balance .
14 I 'm scared that sometimes I go over the top with too many solos in the one song , but I try and keep them as simple as I can .
15 So you have had before I try and do n't , I wo n't go off with your homework hone honestly I wo n't .
16 When I try and empty my own mind , every bit of detritus in the world sails by .
17 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
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