Example sentences of "[conj] i suppose [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I suppose it 's not taxpayer now , what do we call them now — poll , poll tax payers or I suppose they are still tax payers though .
2 She was strangled all right , or I suppose she was .
3 well , well thank Mr very much , if you , if you could , I can accommodate Mr at any reasonable time tomorrow , erm , but although he may say he 's only got , he only wants to rest for a quarter of an hour d'your , as you gather from the interchange from the bench , that 's er , that will be the very minimum and I may well have questions to ask him , although I hope I 'd asked most of them to Mr , so , erm , but I 'm , I 'm I think for everybody 's convenience it , erm , unless he 's got a specific time he could deal with , we either start say at eleven thirty , when Mr can be here or at two , erm , but if he 's got some other clever idea I 'm perfectly prepared to entertain him , but er we ca n't leave this hanging around , I 've got ta write this and whichever way it goes we 've got ta look at it again , er and although I suppose I 'm not entirely unheard of and I disappear to the court of appeal next term it 's gon na make things extremely awkward to try and arrange anything else next term , cos I 've got two other judges to bear in mind as well as myself
4 I suppose there is one although I suppose there is one , but it 's linked with privatization the competition one
5 ‘ Yes , it would , ’ she replied , ‘ although I suppose it 's nothing to do with me really . ’
6 ‘ Nor do I want to indulge in a post-mortem — although I suppose it 's an appropriate description , if the thing between us is now dead . ’
7 Although I suppose it was against the English , ’ she observed with a mournful little sigh .
8 It 's not a lounge area and that I suppose it was behind the shop area .
9 Claire is Anne 's sister , so I suppose we were with family even at some remove ( ie Val 's cousin 's wife 's sister ! ) .
10 My mum and dad had been through a very bad divorce , so I suppose she was frightened of being too strict and pushing me away , in case I turned against her .
11 But my father 's cousin was head of the conservatorium in Wales , so I suppose it is somewhere in the family blood , ’ confessed Carol .
12 So I suppose it 's all up to the son now . ’
13 They are n't renowned for becoming millionaires after their footie days are over , so I suppose it 's a case of doing as well as you can while you can .
14 The other two are a set , so to speak — a unit — so I suppose it 's only natural I 've always gravitated towards Kit . ’
15 I do understand that some people with my condition have to take goodness knows how many tablets of one sort or another each and every day , so I suppose I am fortunate .
16 I really enjoy writing dialogue ; I tend to talk to myself a lot anyway so I suppose I 'm used to it .
17 Obviously I would n't be happy with someone who is so selfish and so uninterested in me , so I suppose he 's doing me a favour , really , making it so clear .
18 I , I mean I went like this into dinner okay , and I suppose everyone was like what 's she doing in a skirt or whatever cos they were all like looking and then like half way when I was eating I could feel them all staring at me and laughing and Jim and that lot were laughing and I could see Charlie
19 All the girls say he 's beautiful , and I suppose he is if you like that sort of thing , the long , thin , colourless type .
20 The young man scoffed loudly , and turning to the Mayor 's companion , jeeringly said : ‘ And I suppose you are the Prime Minister ? ’
21 And I suppose you are now going to spurt some rubbish about not possibly being able to marry someone who 's wealthy ? ’
22 And I suppose you 're a big grown-up girl now ? ’
23 " And I suppose you 're going to slip out the kitchen door , " she continued , " which you might be able to do if you time it right and both Mrs James and Mr Gerard are distracted but how are you going to bet back in ? "
24 ‘ I do , and I suppose you 're going to stop me ? ’
25 And I suppose you 're going to tell me that the manner in which I was dismissed was standard procedure ? ’
26 Well , you 're basically talking about power relationships and that goes into almost every aspect of one 's life and one 's relationship , and I suppose you 're asking men to look at themselves differently too .
27 And I suppose you were waiting to take me there , eh ? ’
28 And I suppose you were saying I had Ann saying oh leaving me .
29 It sounds quite jangly acoustically , and I suppose it 's quite amusing in a cheesy kind of way .
30 Roger , I remember , had to deal with the tsetse fly and I suppose it 's something similar .
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