Example sentences of "[conj] i knew [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
2 Although I knew I probably should n't , I could n't help looking as he rummaged through the marvellous things in the cupboard .
3 ‘ I would have thought that I knew him fairly well , but in writing the lyrics I found depths I had never contemplated . ’
4 ‘ Why have I always felt that I knew you before ? ’
5 ‘ At the record company party , on their hands a dead star at last , the sycophantic slags all say , ‘ I knew him best and I knew him well ’ . ’
6 ‘ I had known David for quite a long time ; we come from Cambridge and I knew him vaguely in the early days — I remember when he joined the Floyd in fact — and I 'd seen him socially over the years .
7 ‘ I like your mother and I knew she badly wanted to stay . ’
8 The realist strategy involved comparing the description of the person with the subject him/herself or someone the subject was familiar with ; ‘ I also related a lot of the adjectives to whether they were like me ’ , ‘ … and rated the person as if I knew them personally .
9 He blustered and turned scarlet as if caught out in a crime , and tried to bluff it out , but I knew him too well .
10 I nearly I 'm lacking indoors , I 'm very lacking indoors I nearly lay down last night but I knew I just wanted to be
11 It is of little use to remember the answer to an examination question as you leave the room , or to say later with head in hands , " But I knew it so well " , surprised at your ability to remember it now but your inability to recall it at the time when you most needed it .
12 Later you will grunt in exasperated tones : " But I knew it so well ! "
13 I was not at all afraid , because I knew I still had the power to calm him .
14 I could no longer talk or laugh freely , as I knew he only approved of serious moods and studies .
15 Anyway ; I used to be petrified of these dragons , even though I knew they probably did n't exist ; I mean I knew there was no Santa Claus , and no fairies and elves , but still thought ghosts and dragons were a possibility , and it only took one to kill you …
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