Example sentences of "[conj] i did [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 So when I go back , although I did n't go back since nineteen eighty-three , because the situation is not that favourable since then , I felt that I 'm out of the cage .
2 So I 'm uncomfortable , but in the positive sense that I did n't go to no acting school , so all I 'm doing is being myself . ’
3 My mum dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and said , ‘ Arnold Bottomley had a seizure when he was on a canal boat and it took four of us to hold him , although he had been so easy-going on other trips , especially the Greek one that I did n't go on .
4 There were no European schools in Narayanganj so that I did not go to school until I was 12 ; Jon was 14 .
5 Finishing the book and having to go back to take photographs specially for it left me a bit jaded , so I did n't go out to the Alps this year .
6 And I lost all my urge to go to church , because I felt I was doing wrong , so I did n't go , and then I did n't have the strong principles anymore .
7 Ellen and I did not go out to eat .
8 Then I began to go to the temple and I did n't go to Sunday school any more , because I had been to the seaside lots and lots of times — the same one every time .
9 I could n't swim , never have been able to , and I did n't go out on a boat because along with the rest of the family I have always been afraid of water .
10 And I did n't go to the women 's guilds because I did n't have the knowledge .
11 Well I was t taking piano lessons , studying for the exams I went over the top , I had to give it up and I did n't go to school then for another eighteen months .
12 I 'm not a gentleman myself , and I did n't go to school , but I 've got you , Pip !
13 It lay in the valley all day like a dead body and I did n't go out .
14 I 've been up here tw twenty-three years and I did n't go out till I came here so I should say I was about twenty-two years ago I started back to work .
15 And I did n't go , but a chap that I knew from whose name I ca n't remember at the moment , did go and he was killed within about three months of his er arriving in Africa .
16 I started at one corner and I went right across and came off at the other corner , and I did n't go back .
17 And I did n't go about it in a bombastic way or anything like that , I just gave them their orders you see , the two shunters .
18 so they did n't come , and I did n't go out and Gemma came up and I was sitting there talking and they had a drop , drop of wine and I had one with erm and Gemma finished her biscuits up , we 've got to get some more biscuits now Gemma brings her
19 ‘ I mean , if I did n't go back to steerage ?
20 ‘ He said if I did n't go out with him he would run me over , ’ she said .
21 After an hour I realized that if I did n't go after her , I 'd never be a man . ’
22 I 'm just as good as he is , even if I did n't go to Eton . ’
23 Anyway , she told me if I did n't go after it she was goin' ter chuck us out .
24 If I did n't go I could stay at home and work on the house .
25 If I did n't go , I could have a summer holiday in Greece and still afford a skiing holiday in winter .
26 If I did n't go to Uncle Willi 's party , everyone would know … ’
27 ‘ You would n't feel that I was letting you down if I did n't go to veterinary college ? ’ she asked — and felt the happiest she had done in weeks at his reply .
28 Mm and there was a verandah there so , if I did n't go out , you know , I could always sit on the verandah and watch them surfing .
29 He asked whose side I was on , and when I told him I was strongly opposed to Bodyline he said he thought it would be better if I did not go on with it .
30 My father told me one evening that neither he nor my mother would think the worse of me if I did not go .
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