Example sentences of "[conj] i walk [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After you calmly tell me that I walked through a fucking wall ! ’
2 Such was the shock that I walked off the site in a state of mental turmoil after all the farewells at the season 's end .
3 There was an embarrassed smile as Leary said : ‘ Oh no , I heard he was there so I walked through the harbour and took a look at it .
4 Shortly after I joined the Crofters Commission , the Chief Technical Officer and I walked across the old shieling ground , in the heart of a large general common pasture , in another of the islands .
5 I rose this morning after a few days of calm without mystical experience and I walked through a steep valley in a golden light of dawn that was like a rich but transparent garment covering all things .
6 Then , suddenly , I got this power , and I walked through the crowd feeling like a Don Gordon [ big man ] .
7 Then , suddenly , I got this power , and I walked through the crowd feeling like a Don Gordon .
8 And I walked past the cathedral almost every day for three years . ’
9 ‘ I straightened my back , and I walked down the stairs to my parents and I said goodbye to them and to the servants lined up on the front steps .
10 As Stephen Leacock and I walked down the street after that luncheon we found that a small crowd of students was gathered around the white statue .
11 and I walked on a couple , two or three and picked up this bloody carton out of the road and I was right next to Linda 's car
12 On 1st March 1818 ‘ Mr. Otley and I walked to a little beyond Barrow Beck — very windy , the spray ran upon the water , but no pillars of vapour ’ .
13 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
14 Leaving the car , Gerry Matthews and I walked up a steep hill , past an eerie standing stone , and eventually reached a mound at the hilltop ringed by a deep moat .
15 So Joe , Mr Wopsle and I walked behind the men through the village and out on to the marshes .
16 Eva and I walked among the kids .
17 On arrival Rick and I walked around the lake and chose two likely looking swims towards the bottom end near the dam where we proceeded to set up the carp rods .
18 We went into the country to an old ranch-style house where they have ‘ traditional Brazilian food ’ and I walked around the ranch ( ‘ fazenda ’ ) for a bit with his family .
19 I was about to leave for school and I walked out the door without my skirt on .
20 We shook hands and I walked from the consulting room ,
21 and I , I mean Jimmy it was only last Friday I went down to have me hair done and I walked from the hairdressers down to Street to get the wallpaper
22 and we were going their house , but it was n't Judith 's , it was Rob 's mum and dad 's down Road and er we went in and you did n't know anything about it , and I walked in a Rob said she 's had it !
23 She and I walked in the ancient garden , talking quietly about our childhood meetings .
24 Shelley , Shelley come round to me right , and she was , she was , she was stroking Dempsey and I walked in the room , this is Dempsey and he walked past me wagging his , you know when they put the tail down and
25 And I walk down a corridor and I go in a door , and they 're there . ’
26 And a fellow said to me about two ye , two to three years ago I expect it was two telegraph people up that pole out an just outside of my gate and he 's still there and I walk along the gate and he turned round to me he say you 're a lucky man !
27 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
28 I do n't think I 'd want it in the house , it might be confusing if I walked into a gloomy room with it
29 If I walked into a Catholic school they 'd all look at me funny and shout ‘ Proddy ! ’
30 If I walk through the Arndale in Middleton some kids will always shout something and I love it !
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