Example sentences of "[conj] i have found a " in BNC.

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1 Hollies are not difficult to grow , although I have found a tendency for them to die back badly at maturity in places with cool , wet summers .
2 I began to think that I had found a friend , and I answered him at once .
3 ‘ Perhaps I wanted to convince her that I had found a replacement for her and she was wasting her time in trying to fan burned-out ashes to life . ’
4 It would have been a consolation if I had found a mother in Mme Guérigny .
5 It is a struggle to paint grasses in a true watercolour technique and the purist may well react against the use of white and acrylic here , but I have found a release from the restrictions of technique through this method and comfort myself with the knowledge that white has been in common use by artists throughout the history of watercolour painting .
6 ‘ So I have n't got any leads on Elaine yet — she is Lilian , as I thought , but I have found a twin sister — Donna .
7 That was all I needed … just when I had found a little peace at last .
8 It is even more useful when I have found a glaring mistake , have partially undone something and rehung the stitches inaccurately .
9 I thought it a bit extreme to take the unit off as I 've found a much simpler way of stopping this problem of the springs sounding off in the back .
10 I actually take possession in about a month , but as soon as I 've found a flat I 'm going to start working there part-time to learn the ropes .
11 Even though I 'd found a fine lady to take care of him .
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