Example sentences of "[conj] is thought to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This sense of the maverick is coupled with a talent for making complex , lyrical films which possess the depth and artistry that is thought to be the sole province of European and art house directors .
2 But they tend to diverge into two types with respect to the information about features that is thought to be important .
3 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts has declared its intention of buying up to 15 per cent and is thought to be quietly picking up stock .
4 The killing of the bird caused dismay to the RSPB because it was released in Scotland and is thought to be the first to have made its way to southern England from a release programme .
5 It is one of many forms of rheumatism and is thought to be the result of wear and tear on joint surfaces , particularly hips , knees and spine .
6 Ana 's Cross is visible for miles , and is thought to be on a ley line with Young Ralph 's Cross at Blakey .
7 Dentine is universal in vertebrates and is thought to be the most primitive of vertebrate hard tissues .
8 It is , however , now committed to find its own end-user business , and is thought to be talking to Olivetti & Co SpA .
9 The enzyme progastricsin , is present in 30–40% of gastric adenocarcinomas and is thought to be useful in differentiating between colonic and gastric adenocarcinomas .
10 Fear is the commonest change in mood associated with complex partial seizures and is thought to be exclusively related to the right temporal lobe .
11 This has been generally well received and is thought to be helpful and informative on matters of chambers administration .
12 During inhalation , the NO is absorbed by erythrocytes as they pass through the lungs and is thought to be inactivated by tight bonding to the haem , which is subsequently metabolised to methaemoglobin .
13 It 's been funded by people from the town and is thought to be the first project of its kind .
14 The buyer was not identified , but is thought to be a private collector .
15 This trophy , whose origin is unknown but is thought to be contemporary with the arrow , was presented by the Society of Gentlemen Archers of Darlington in 1830 .
16 This will not provide great accuracy but is thought to be quite satisfactory for the present purpose .
17 The reason for this is not known but is thought to be due to infection by the virus itself .
18 Echo currently has no iAPX-86 front-end for FlashPort , but is thought to be heading down that road .
19 Echo currently has no iAPX-86 front-end for FlashPort , but is thought to be heading down that road .
20 The etiology is unknown , but is thought to be due to the dissolution and aspiration of dead or dying worm material into the alveoli .
21 These show that every publication has a class number consisting of at least three digits , but the system permits further sub-divisions allowing as fine a division as is thought to be necessary .
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