Example sentences of "[conj] it lies [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As far as I am aware , this theory has found very little formal or scholarly expression , although it lies below the surface of much that has been informally expressed by directors of English ensembles and by others , both in conversation and in the various kinds of writing generated by the commercial music business .
2 There is no accepted blocking temperature for Pb retention in zircon , however , nor any evidence that it lies below the equilibration temperatures of upper-mantle rocks .
3 Many believe that it lies under the church of San Vincenzo in Prato , even though there is no historical record of the church before the year 806 .
4 She characterizes it as a ‘ micropolitical structure ’ in itself , which ‘ underlies and supports the macropolitical structure ’ ; and she alleges that it lies at a ‘ crucial point ’ ( 1977 : 179 , 191 ) between open , and concealed , political control and resistance .
5 The CSA 1985 , which is by far the most important piece of legislation , in that it lies at the heart of anti-insider dealing regulation in the UK , outlines the substantive elements of insider dealing offences .
6 Ye yes it it does , and I think I made this point in erm in my evidence that it lies at the extreme erm southeastern corner of the paddock erm and if if , This is making an assumption .
7 It has been identified as the Alauna of the Ravenna list by Rivet and Smith , although Richmond and Crawford earlier assigned this name to Alchester , which in some ways makes better sense , since its neighbours quoted in the list would indicate that it lies on the road from Silchester to the south Midlands ; nevertheless the derivation of the name of the River Alne from Alauna , and hence the name of the town on or near that river , is an attractive argument in favour of Rivet and Smith .
8 Mr Smith has no explanation for the defeat , although his supporters imply that it lies in the personality of Neil Kinnock .
9 The main reason for this difference , and it lies at the heart of the distinction between many public and private sector organizations , is the central role that the budget plays in fixing the level and distribution of taxation in governments .
10 The fact of the matter is , as far as the erm and I accept to a certain degree what Jack has just said , that the power for schools lies with the Governors , and it lies with the Governors because the Conservative Government has enacted legislation to allow that to happen .
11 ‘ The present is and always was a common law action for personal injuries caused by the negligence or breach of duty of the defendants , and it lies on the plaintiff to show what was this duty of the defendants towards the plaintiff , and how it arose .
12 There is another , concomitant , reason for suspecting widespread scepticism about ‘ official ’ versions of the war and it lies in the proliferation of global media networks .
13 A ball is deemed to be in a lateral water hazard if it lies between the parallel red stakes marking the boundary of the lateral water hazard , whether or not the ball lies in the water or on the surrounding bank .
14 Peć is still the spiritual centre of the Serbian Orthodox Church , but it lies in a remote corner of Yugoslavia , close to the Albanian border , in the Albanian-speaking province of Kosovo .
15 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
16 The argument over decentralisation will probably dominate political debate in the future , because it lies at the heart of the Tamil issue .
17 Although in some cases , part of the site may survive because it lies outside the area to be destroyed , more often the whole site disappears and only excavation records and finds are left .
18 It is not easy to identify , because it lies in a rich area and there are no convenient guides to it .
19 The action would not be an indirect method of enforcing the contract against the other contracting party because it lies against a third party and in tort .
20 It shrinks when it lies across the circle — along a diameter-compared to what it 's like when measuring round the circle .
21 When it lies on the Moon the dust plus any small rocks is called the regolith .
22 The age of the Toa Galston peat bed is not known , as it lies beyond the range of radiocarbon-dating ( more than c.47,000 years before present ( B.P. ) ) .
23 Local authorities were anxious to redevelop the area as soon as possible , as it lies at the very heart of the town 's commercial district .
24 There 's only one thing that struck me when I was reading through it but a as I say , we we got to look at this from point of view are we going to date this as it lies at the present moment and add to it pieces that we want , or do we start off by having the pieces o i its its now whe w w
25 The top part of the well section can not be seen from the entrance viewpoint as it lies behind the retaining wall and is covered by earth and vegetation .
26 But Hambleton district council claims the hotel , in Darlington Road , is unsuitable as a nursing home as it lies in the heart of Northallerton 's industrial estate .
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