Example sentences of "[conj] it be [not/n't] unknown " in BNC.

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1 Proposals seldom spring from a single source , although it is not unknown for them to do so .
2 Criminal statistics are notoriously unreliable as measures of the actual extent of criminal activity , to such a degree that it is not unknown for historians to discount them altogether .
3 But as they do need the financial background too , finding a suitable candidate to take on the finance director role , particularly of a large organisation , can be a problem and it 's not unknown for a company to invest considerable time and money in training someone specially for the job , though it is rare .
4 At Holy Trinity , Brompton , all four priests are Old Etonians , one of the churchwardens is a former private secretary of Margaret Thatcher 's , and it is not unknown for members of the congregation to go on to a wedding reception in St James 's Palace .
5 And it is not unknown for members of a group to manipulate a drama to further their real-life victimisation of the class ‘ scapegoat ’ — so that it is not a drama experience at all but a vicious first-order experience disguised as drama .
6 Even a dustbin on a gas ring or glass fibre bottle skips , unheated , may be employed and it is not unknown for an old enamel bathtub to be pressed into service .
7 In considering such reports and recommendations , the Houses are free to decide as they wish and it is not unknown for them to divide along party lines where there are party political implications involved .
8 Mori Bokharas may also be referred to by a number of alternative names ( including Jaldar , Kafkazi — pl. 28 — and Serapi ) , and it is not unknown for them to be marketed under the name of the gul most prominent in their design .
9 A number of tradesmen in the timber , textile and tin-plate industries looked upon coffin-making and funeral furnishing as something by which they could profit , and it was not unknown for some to meet with such success that they abandoned their established trade to go into undertaking full time .
10 ( And it was not unknown , FAMILY learned to its regret , for the woman in the kitchen , hearing this , to respond : ‘ Good question ’ , and abandon her pans . )
11 Naturally , some knowledge of the vein ahead would be invaluable and it was not unknown for a tiny probing tunnel to be driven ahead of a working face just before a new bargain was to be made .
12 Perhaps after all it was nothing more than that the man reminded him of someone from the old days , and it was not unknown for people from the palace compound to slum in the harbour quarter now and then .
13 Quite sparky , she copes well under pressure , but it is not unknown for her to lose her temper .
14 Normally both the warp and the weft are made from the same material , but it is not unknown , particularly in village and nomadic rugs , for contrasting materials to be used — a woollen warp may be used in conjunction with a cotton weft , for example .
15 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to purchase extremely attractive and reasonably priced extremely attractive and reasonably priced items only to find , when they take them home , that they are the wrong size , or that the colour and design clash with their decorative scheme .
16 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction , or the sales patter of a dealer .
17 ‘ I 'm not saying it happened on this occasion , but it is not unknown for a private company to take a loss on government contracts to get a foot in the door . ’
18 We mention this because it is not unknown for some US authors to encash money orders and neglect to send the goods .
19 A private Member can not command the services of the Parliamentary Draftsman , though it is not unknown for him to render advice and assistance .
20 Large medical expenses accounts should have been checked by Europ Assistance but these should still be examined as it is not unknown for such accounts to include TVs and even bar charges .
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