Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] better for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
2 I think we 're all agreed that it 's better for us to die honourably together in this way than to risk a worse fate at the hands of the enemy . "
3 While some workers believe that the best place for a child is within a family , and that it is better for a child to be placed transracially than to have no family , anxiety is increasing about the outcome of transracial placements .
4 In the fourth Gospel Jesus tells his followers , heart-broken because he is going to leave them , that it is better for them that he should do so :
5 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
6 I agree that it is better for the pigs to get beat in Europe , but it would be good if they progressed a little , no further than we did but enough to get tired out .
7 Herbert had at first been reluctant to believe that it was better for John to study dance in Cape Town than to return to high school in Johannesburg .
8 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
9 On each of her periods at Hillmarden he had still clung to the faint hope that she was improving , only to find at the end of a week or a fortnight she had made no progress at all and that when Harry — good baby that he was — occasionally cried , this was enough to make Celia so distraught that Brian was forced to accept that it was better for all concerned if mother and baby remained parted .
10 She also felt somewhat pleased , feeling that it was better for Mrs Aggie to concentrate her collecting efforts in the nicer part of the town .
11 Eileen 's commanding officer took them to a room and gave them tea , and tried to explain to them that it was better for her to remain .
12 He drove them to the station and they returned , sad for their sister and still not convinced that it was better for her not to come home .
13 He reckoned that it was better for the new Iranian prime minister , Shapour Bakhtiar , that the Shah stayed in Muslim country and he thought that Hasans influence would help " keep Khomeini under control "
14 ‘ I like the idea of organic food because it does n't get treated with pesticides and other chemicals and it 's better for the environment , too .
15 So they can stay on normally , in some part of the year it is dark , but yet there 's other people around and about , and they get in situ before very late , so the twelve and twelve suits them , and it 's better for health and safety , and erm , in other , Mr Chairman .
16 Because , you know , it , it 's cheaper to run your vehicles on low sulphur diesel , and it is because you do n't get the deterioration in it , and it 's better for the , it 's better for the atmosphere .
17 I need , at the moment in terms of corrective action on quiffs , I am sending quiffs out to procedure owners , and I need to know whether suggestive procedure changes or not , and it 's better for me if it is out in that order then I can go through and mark the quiffs off as being erm the changes or not .
18 Milan is full of excellent coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him , her or them .
19 Choice of equipment is vital and it is better for a beginner not to buy his clubs before going to a professional for his lessons .
20 That he was not abstracting water but merely utilizing it and returning to the river the same amount in improved condition , because contact with the turbine had aerated it , and it was better for the fish .
21 Well if it 's better for you I should .
22 Her guides would have lemon squash because it was better for them and less expensive .
23 It 's not my family you know , ’ because it was better for her to stop .
24 Possibly this is why the argument as to whether it is better for a woman with young children to stay at home or go out to work goes round and round in circles .
25 ( 2 ) ( a ) The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application ( in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act 1989 ) .
26 ‘ The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act .
27 In my view , what should happen here is that cats should not be allowed to roam around in places where they could have a dramatic adverse effect on populations of animals , even though it is better for the cat .
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