Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] therefore not " in BNC.

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1 President and founder Bernard Liautaud , and director of UK operations , John Powell , hail from Oracle Corp , and it 's therefore not surprising the firm does most of its work at Oracle sites and with Oracle application developers .
2 President and founder , Bernard Liautaud , and director of UK operations , John Powell , hail from Oracle Corp , and it 's therefore not surprising the firm does most of its work at Oracle sites and with Oracle application developers .
3 The authorities do not require other methods of recovery to be tested , and it is therefore not always possible to be sure whether using the aileron , for instance , will flatten the spin and make it more difficult to stop .
4 Unlike many antibiotics , the antifungal agents commonly used are not absorbed from the gut and it is therefore not effective just to give tablets or capsules by mouth .
5 In a nearly cloudless country such as Egypt observation of the sun was a useful way of telling the time and it is therefore not surprising that the earliest known solar clock has been found there .
6 Throughout Iranian thought there was a tendency to dualism , and it is therefore not surprising that two distinct forms or aspects of time were recognized : indivisible time , that is the eternal ‘ now ’ , and time that is divisible into successive parts .
7 Consequently , all translations of carpet names and terms are strictly phonetic , and it is therefore not surprising to find wide variations in the spellings of individual towns , weaving groups and designs .
8 Having to work from different angles makes it extremely difficult to maintain an even symmetry throughout the design , and it is therefore not surprising that nomadic rugs sometimes contain motifs of slightly varying sizes ; the fact that so many are perfectly balanced and symmetrical is a glowing testament to the weavers ' skill .
9 Modified accounts are not intended to give a fair and true view of the company and it is therefore not necessary for such accounts to comply with the disclosure provisions of SSAP .
10 It is obviously advantageous for an animal to receive more detailed information about where it is going to than about where it has come from , and it is therefore not surprising that as well as the mouth at the front end of the planaria there is a concentration of sense organs , such as light-sensitive eyepits , and to process the information arriving from these sense organs there is a group of ganglia concentrated in the head — forming at last the forerunners of real brains .
11 They testify to the fact that a colossal amount of wealth passed through royal hands , and it is therefore not surprising that control of the royal treasury was a significant factor in Merovingian politics .
12 ‘ If we let our children go when they are young , they are gone from us forever , and it is therefore not surprising when youngsters turn to childish misdemeanours and graduate to serious crime . ’
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