Example sentences of "[conj] of the nature of " in BNC.

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1 There are no mentions of the well researched and replicated findings on reading problems , nor of the nature of the speech problems experienced .
2 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
3 Opportunity is also given for consideration of philosophical problems concerning the nature and status of different branches of enquiry , and of the nature of art and its connection with morality and social issues .
4 But this is an oversimplification of the study of distributions and of the nature of exchange .
5 The fundamental issue is whether this essentially Romantic vision of history , of religion , and of the nature of theological truth and the reality of God , is an adequate vehicle for the reformulation of Christian faith .
6 We have got this far and ignored a lot of work regarding issues of land rent and of the nature of capital 's relation with land as part of a general accumulation process .
7 By pursuing her own method , Lisa not only gained control over her work but also showed her grasp of the nature of the problem and of the nature of multiplication .
8 This leads to a discussion of the characteristics of the agency labour force and of the nature of the occupation and regional labour markets in which they are found .
9 The detailed battles go on between Her Majesty 's Treasury , whose constitutional role is to contain spending , and the spending departments that are responsible for the individual services and aware of the demands they are under and of the nature of the rising costs to which they are subject .
10 It will frequently be necessary for it to know whether the employee was being advised at any material time and , if so , by whom ; of the extent of the advisers ' knowledge of the facts of the employee 's case ; and of the nature of any advice which they may have given to him .
11 The question that we are looking at is a question , not simply of discipline , but a matter that depends on our understanding , not just of the eucharist , but of the nature of the church .
12 ‘ The experience to be gathered from books , though often valuable , is but of the nature of learning ; whereas the experience gained from actual life is of the nature of wisdom ; and a small store of the latter is worth vastly more than a stock of the former . ’
13 According to Mr Abbell , his case is of interest only because of the nature of his clients .
14 Because of the nature of crime in Easton , most Land Rovers on routine calls only contain the driver and observer , both seated in the front , making some sort of conversation between them possible .
15 Those who do might also be thought to be insincere , but some policemen showed real regret and disappointment when they were unable to provide the service they felt they should , whether because of the nature of the call or because of unrealistic public expectations ( such as finding lost budgies , preventing sheep-worrying , or reconciling warring spouses and quarrelsome neighbours ) .
16 But even if the proposition be true , it could not be the case for more and better education because of the nature of education itself .
17 Because of the nature of his studies he was sent to work at the Esso refinery at Fawley .
18 Capitalists exploit the workers by depriving them of this surplus value and they do this because of the nature of property in capitalist societies , where the means of production are controlled by the capitalist .
19 In this type of mistaken fabrication of early history , by the construction of an opposite to the present , Marx and Engels were following many other writers of their time but , as we shall see , because of the nature of their theory , this was particularly harmful in their case .
20 It is unattainable , not because of the nature of things , but because of the nature of our faculties .
21 It is unattainable , not because of the nature of things , but because of the nature of our faculties .
22 Because of the nature of the sample this study could not ascertain the views of residents themselves .
23 Although he was a first offender and there was no suggestion he might try to escape , because of the nature of his offence the governor , Thomas Hayes , decided that Blake should be placed on the escape list . ’
24 Because of the nature of the problems dealt with by departments of genito-urinary medicine , the questions asked by the doctor at the interview tend to be of an intimate nature .
25 Natural selection favours some genes rather than others not because of the nature of the genes themselves , but because of their consequences — their phenotypic effects .
26 Because of the nature of their following , they are still categorised as an ‘ alternative ’ outfit .
27 ( Because of the nature of the subject matter of this programme , the BBC has agreed to the stipulation made by the wife of the patient that if ‘ The Check-out ’ is broadcast in the United States , any reference to the family name be deleted or changed .
28 The real problem here , because of the nature of the legal framework , is not so much a legal one as one of evidence .
29 In some circumstances , because of the nature of the fault , this may not be possible , but in these cases we undertake to restore your supply within 72 hours .
30 Zone Defavorisee de montagne — mountain areas ( particularly Massif Central , Pyrenees and Alps ) where there are considerable limits on agriculture because of the nature of the terrain , climate and soils and because of restrictions on mechanisation .
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