Example sentences of "[conj] there [be] room for " in BNC.

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1 Where there is room for manoeuvre is in the way the media seek to locate the political significance of disorderly protest .
2 The main slope is 180m with a respectable gradient which stops skiers who are better off practising on the trainer or nursery slope , where there is room for up to 100 skiers .
3 Like the formation of many major landforms , this is a problem where there is room for differences in belief through the absence of any positive evidence .
4 Although there is room for improvement in the way the programme is managed ( more involvement of aid recipients , a more flexible approach to reporting requirements ) , the Russian environment has proved particularly difficult to deal with and it is understandable that Tacis needs time to adjust .
5 It may be that from a stockbroker they would have done , although there is room for argument .
6 We contest that there are no laws written in stone , and that there is room for hybrids .
7 Once there is a recognition that there is room for improvement there comes the task of developing a commitment and determination to bring about change .
8 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
9 It is clear , nevertheless , that there is room for optimism .
10 In our view , this tips the scales against Chrissie , though we recognize that there is room for argument here .
11 Even granting that theory is involved in applying concepts like ‘ money supply ’ and ‘ inflation ’ , and that there is room for dispute about which is prior to which , there is no substitute for observation .
12 In the particular case of public sector firms ' management constraints/rewards , it is fairly clear that there is room for improvement .
13 ‘ Nomad 's success has shown that there is room for a quality independent in this largely residential area , ’ say the Curries .
14 Champions of infallibility tend to concede that there is room for a mistake in the description of one 's sensory states ( see Ayer , 1950 ) .
15 This is not a suitable case in which to reopen the matter but I am bound to say that this case seems to show that there is room for an exception where examining the proceedings in Parliament would almost certainly settle the matter immediately one way or the other .
16 If retailers are spread around the country , in some places it will transpire that there is room for only one seller of both manufacturer M 1 ‘ s and manufacturer M 2 ‘ s product .
17 Acknowledge in your wording — " possibly " , " maybe " , " one explanation … " — that there is room for other points of view or that evidence is insufficient to admit of confident verdicts .
18 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
19 The inspector 's report shows that there is room for improvement .
20 Does he agree that there is room for sensible people of all political persuasions to serve the community through NHS hospital trusts ?
21 Sheena Falconer , senior lecturer in textiles , has been told by the principal , Dr David Kennedy , that there is room for only one textile lecturer , but that she could stay on as an ordinary lecturer — the post held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
22 Other economic commentators have also suggested that there 's room for labour cuts at NIE .
23 ‘ I 've spent all my life in general PR , but it was about eight years ago I decided that there was room for a specialist agency , not really a PR firm , which was concerned entirely with government relations .
24 Mr Ainslie noted that there was still too much geographic focus on where business was carried out within the company despite the international nature of the business and that there was room for a more unified focus .
25 ‘ When we started we felt that there was room for another East End of London author , having publicised ( in my case ) Lena Kennedy before , and Sue having edited her .
26 I always felt that there was room for improvement in top management .
27 But there seems no room for any notion of the decorous in Olson 's ‘ objectism ’ , any more than there is room for it in the lawless world of the Cantos , or in Pound himself when he is without a master to translate , whose example makes him surpass himself .
28 Although the case is 10U the working units occupy only 7U of rack space , so there is room for expanding the system should the need arise .
29 The Saltarello finale is not taken too quickly , so there is room for clear articulation , a buoyant basic pulse and a fine sense of balance .
30 Some good foresters were at present obtaining 60% of their income from the sale of timber so there was room for better management .
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