Example sentences of "[conj] we [verb] nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although we know nothing of her education , she writes that the Countess was ‘ directed ’ by a mother famed for her furtherance of Protestant and humanist learning , Catharine Bertie , dowager Duchess of Suffolk [ q.v. ] , and we may suppose that more than usual attention was paid to her reading .
2 The production of axes from these sites was on a prodigious scale , although we know nothing of how they were traded and distributed all over England and Wales .
3 The result is that we know nothing about it except its external face , how its economy worked , and that has mostly been described by unsympathetic observers .
4 ‘ The problem is that we know nothing about either the land or the people , ’ Alexei said .
5 The phrase does not indicate that Brahman does not exist , or that we know nothing about Brahman , but that we know that Brahman is so far beyond our understanding that anything we say will be misleading and therefore we must content ourselves with saying neti-neti .
6 This can only be good for the G M B and it would hopefully bring on board some , if not all of the doubting Thomases , that have said in the past that we do nothing for them .
7 So we have nothing but Madame Lavender 's word that the article is missing ? ’
8 plus expenses and we get nothing for it .
9 And we 've nothing in common . ’
10 ‘ I have never met him and we know nothing of each other ! ’
11 Then they took her away and we knew nothing of her until her body was found eight days later , along with that of her son and two unknown men .
12 But they had no place in public life , and we hear nothing about them in the Historia Novorum , which is concerned with events to which we must now turn .
13 Here , as at Liberi , he was happy , and we hear nothing of any initiative on his part to bring his exile to an end or to settle the issue — chiefly his frustrated desire to hold a council — which had precipitated his exile .
14 Personally I think it should be restricted to about four weeks and get more exhibitions in there for wider variety and also there 's a number of er travelling exhibitions around the country that come down North er from up North down to the South to show around here that you can book these any time you want er I talked to somebody organised an exhibition in London and they are quite willing to come to Harlow you book us and we have nothing like this at all .
15 If we had nothing but nuclear forces , this would not be credible .
16 How can we write for instruments if we know nothing about them ?
17 Unless we care nothing for human freedom and are impervious to human suffering , denunciation seems an implausible general justification for a system which deliberately inflicts punishment on people .
18 The central temple complex ( No. 2 ) has already been mentioned , but we know nothing of its chronology or its dedication .
19 Then again , as to the repairs : it may be that the original lease from the ground landlord contained covenants compelling repairs to be made by the lessee ; but we know nothing of such a lease or such covenants .
20 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
21 But we 've nothing like this , yet … "
22 But we have nothing against foreign investment in British companies , and I can not think why the Hon. Gentleman should take that line .
23 erm arguing and er they was going on about this because if Mrs went to a farm and then said that she saw some hens there that did n't look particularly fit erm and said they 'd got to be culled and if the farmer thought otherwise then we got into all sorts of tangles because we knew nothing about poultry .
24 Well it 's up to the managers but I agree with Stansted four times a day , I think we 're losing a lot of traffic because we have nothing between seven in the morning and three o'clock in the afternoon
25 ‘ You have no idea , ’ said Healey , ‘ what it was like before you came into the committee , The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on , with this crazy desire to go there and take things over , that we should side with the Roman Catholics and the Civil Rights movement against the government and the Royal Ulster Constabulary , though we know nothing at all about it . ’
26 Or rather , why was it chosen ? — for we know nothing of how such a choice was made in Greece .
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