Example sentences of "[conj] thank [pers pn] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the question period , refocus attention on yourself through repeating your main points , wishing everyone well and thanking them for their attention .
2 Our Chairman , Richard Newcombe , who has taken a particular interest in the museum , then spoke , welcoming the guests and thanking them for their support .
3 I declined his offer of another brandy , made my excuses , and thanking him for his hospitality I left by the back door .
4 Central Council appreciates the contribution made by the RAFALOs and thanks them for their efforts .
5 presented him with a huge pepper mill and thanked him for his hard work .
6 Oh as they come out to Asda they said they found her bag and they give her our Pam 's phone number and rung up and thanked our she said there 's full of stuff money and all in there and thanked her for what she 'd done and our Pam said fair enough I would you know
7 I did n't have to say please and thank you for my milk cos I pour straight on my dinner , did n't I ?
8 " I 'd like to write to the marquis and thank him for what he did for me .
9 Thank you for the bouquet of flowers sent to me on behalf of all our local branch AND Thank you for my other flowers later , ‘ when maybe I needed them even more ! ’
10 ‘ Goodnight , then , and thank you for your help . ’
11 And thank you for your note . ’
12 And thank you for your help in there . ’
13 These are the sort of things we 'd say to a good person in a formal situation , erm , you 're reliable , trustworthy , you know , we can rely on you to do a good job for us , doing your job well and with enthusiasm , when left in charge there 's been no problems , you 're responsible and flexible , you 're conscientious , I can trust you for , to do a good job and thank you for your contribution to the team .
14 you ever came — But Thank you for my
15 Er but thank you for your attendance and safe journey .
16 Politely she added , ‘ But thank you for your concern , Signor Diomede . ’
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