Example sentences of "[conj] join we [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The fat Corporal had accompanied us to Lille station , bought us all a beer , and joined us on the train .
2 Benjamin smiled , opened the stable door and joined us in the yard .
3 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
4 We need some of the younger , newly retired to come and join us in the fight to restore the dignity and security that should be there for everyone in the autumn of their lives .
5 It 's ten minutes past nine and joining us on the line this morning is er Judy in York good morning Judy .
6 And join us for the first day of the Henley Royal Regatta for a parade of feasting , fashion and rowing .
7 FOR a confidential consultation on your problems with cellulite , come and join us on the TODAY Cellulite Roadshow at one of the locations listed here .
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