Example sentences of "[conj] let i [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Serve the food properly or let me do it . ’
2 ‘ Lachlan Cattanach , ’ Farquhar said sternly one day , ‘ will you for God 's sake be either forgetting the lass , or letting me carry her away up the hill for you ?
3 And all that let me tell you after Pisa looked so dangerous in the first eight minutes , clearly they 'd come out looking for the early goal themselves , and who was badly fouled by in the early stages and needed attention , he 's the number eight , and the number eleven , who looks as quick as any player I 've seen in ages and ages , they are the two danger men and they will need some marking .
4 It 's getting rather hard to think about what it is that lets me see them as distinct individuals if all that they 're doing are
5 Rather than let me do it . ’
6 Let me take hold of that weakness of yours and let me change your water into wine . ’
7 ‘ What you put into the business , ’ Daisy said , ‘ you should have treated it as a loan and let me pay you back the capital .
8 Yes it is so because it is nostrum , cut out the nostrum , and let me give my heart to God — and all is ... [ rest of line illegible ]
9 And let me give you another quote : ‘ I love the vanquished , but I also love the victors . ’
10 Come to me and let me give you what you want . ’
11 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
12 It 's just — I want to go home and tell them to shut up about the exam results and let me do my own thing and leave me alone .
13 ‘ Go away and let me do my work , or we 'll be running on one staff nurse and half an aspirin . ’
14 ’ Then waive your share and let me do it alone , ’ I suggested .
15 ‘ I want you to come out to Leytonstone with me and let me show you something . ’
16 ‘ I want you to come with me to Mr Sunil 's house and let me show you what I think happened to Billy Tuckett . ’
17 And let me show you what I mean by that .
18 ‘ In that case you must come over some time and let me show you around .
19 I ca n't find a bit that Give me the pencil and let me show you .
20 And let me explain what I meant by that silly passage in my last letter , about expensively dressed girls .
21 Just relax and let me love you .
22 Erm And let me remind everybody because I do n't intend erm erm er waiting for for people to cough up on this so I would like to remind people to get , it it 's the thirteenth today .
23 Accordingly , an assembly such as this in England — and let me remind you there have been earlier ones , at Sheffield and Keele — is an act of homage to a great and greatly maligned poet ; but it is also , and can not help but be , a patriotic demonstration against ‘ suffocating insular coziness ’ .
24 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
25 Conservative in , three times that for which we put on for and let me remind you again that out of that seventeen pounds , you put eleven on , not us , you put it on .
26 And let me assure you of something else — anyone who interferes with the smooth running of this place can pack their bags and get down the road right away . ’
27 ‘ And now , my dear , before you leave , let me take your hands in mine and let me feel your face .
28 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
29 Yesterday she looked at her eight-pound new arrival , born at Arrowe Park Hospital , and said : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him . ’
30 She said last night : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him .
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