Example sentences of "[conj] then he 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And then he 'd waited there , too ashamed to face other nomes , until the car went back to wherever it came from , and had got off , and was living out the rest of his life quietly and without any fuss .
2 Never one to wallow in self-pity , he 'd started by mugging a couple of Indian kids in bright shirts behind the bus station and then he 'd followed a Yuppie type from his bank 's Cashcard machine to the stairway of a multi-storey car park , where they 'd had some dealings involving a Rolex and all the wad in the Yuppie 's wallet .
3 Joe had climbed up over the side of the nearest and lowered himself in , rubbish sliding unsteadily beneath him , and then he 'd found his balance and hunkered down and started to sift .
4 He 'd taken a taxi out to Baby Boy 's grave , and then he 'd walked the rest of the way .
5 ‘ Do n't worry , total silence , ’ Wayne had assured her and then he 'd loaded the ovens into the van and left her to make her way upstairs , touching the wall as she went .
6 And then he 'd faltered .
7 And then he 'd had the thrill of actually seeing ( ‘ a life-time 's ambition ’ ) the Flying Scotsman !
8 I found out he 'd fired his caddie John Moorhouse and then he 'd tried a German lad , but he 'd only lasted the practice round !
9 He 'd daubed a rock with paint and used the tell-tale splashes to correct a slight right-hand drift , and then he 'd taken a rasp to the elaborate Monte Carlo grip , reshaping the stock to approximate to the military form on which he 'd been trained and binding it with tape when it was as he wanted .
10 Clive had given her a lightning tour of the boat as soon as they arrived , but then he 'd disappeared up on deck to start the engine from the cockpit , leaving her to stow the shopping in the ice-box and cupboards and unpack her bag .
11 She was certainly a bewitching woman , but then he 'd known others every bit as bewitching , and not been panicked by them .
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