Example sentences of "[conj] will [be] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 TECs are private-sector-led bodies that will be responsible for providing or co-ordinating training programmes in their area .
2 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
3 Now EFTA has joined the EC to form the European Economic Area , Switzerland is a member of the EC Framework programme , and will be responsible for funding 4 per cent ( about SFr100m pa ) of the four-year Third Framework plan .
4 The selected candidates will conduct appraisals of credit and financial sector adjustment loan operations in the context of overall macro and financial sector policies , and will be responsible for making recommendations for the design of the proposed loan operation .
5 The successful applicants will join the expeditions as voluntary staff members and will be responsible for maintaining a full portfolio record of the conservation and community projects which form the central focus of the expeditions .
6 The account executive will , usually , take the chair in meetings at the agency , and will be responsible for producing the minutes of every meeting — these may be called ‘ call reports ’ or ‘ contact reports ’ , and are usually designed solely to record decisions and list action to be performed by either the agency or the client .
7 The most such a multi-modal transport document can attest to is that someone in a position to effect a future ocean shipment is in charge of the cargo and will be responsible for effecting ocean shipment .
8 The care manager will be given a budget and will be responsible for organising an efficient package of care to meet clients ' individual needs .
9 The coaches must be prepared to ‘ live-in ’ and will be responsible for the group for the duration of the School .
10 The CSO will work across all Departments within the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and will be responsible for initiating , organising , providing and monitoring user support for all aspects of computing work .
11 The CSO will work across all Departments within the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and will be responsible for initiating , organising , providing and monitoring user support for all aspects of computing work .
12 He takes over from Trevor Clemment and will be responsible for Cambridge , Norfolk , Northants and part of Leicestershire .
13 Further education colleges will gain new independence from April 1993 , and will be responsible for their own budgets .
14 A Bovis officer will be allocated to each site and will be responsible for tenant liaison and health and safety issues concerned with the building works .
15 ‘ I 'm the battalion adjutant , ’ he went on to explain , as he swayed from foot to foot , ‘ and will be responsible for this intake for the period that you are billeted in Edinburgh .
16 Toni Bergman will be administrating this event and will be responsible for the distribution and collection of all the sponsorship forms and monies .
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