Example sentences of "[conj] he comes to the " in BNC.

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1 Sherlock Holmes leaves England for New York City where he comes to the aid of his long-time love , the famous stage actress Irene Adler .
2 If you knock at the door of the gamekeeper 's house and he comes to the door wearing an antler head-dress , a black satin robe with a pentangle on it , and is holding a headless bleeding chicken in one hand , then even if he gives you permission to camp , think about going to a B & B. Some country folk are best left to their own devices .
3 But if he comes to the top of the ridge , he is sure to come down here , because he w ill see the green leaves .
4 But when he comes to the foot of the mountain and sees the worship of the calf for himself , we hear the sound of his anger too , and see him smashing the tablets of stone that he has brought down from the summit inscribed with God 's torah .
5 David Fontana , psychologist and the author of Your Growing Child , says , ‘ Sometimes the parent does have good reason to worry … if the friend is rough when he comes to the house and breaks toys , then you have to think of your own child .
6 The old zeks say that a man is weakest when he comes to the camps for the first time , when the desire for life is first squeezed from him .
7 When he comes to the first dramatic event he appears to be reaching towards a dramatic present here comes but is constrained by the prevailing past tense of the narration .
8 So the Minister has to be very clear , when he comes to the Dispatch Box , whether any company applying to take over STG subsidiaries will be required to take on board the specifications laid down by the disabled persons transport advisory committee .
9 When he comes to the destruction of Carthage in 146 he records the contrasting opinions of the Greeks about Rome 's conduct ( 36.9 ) .
10 And when he comes to the richer and more respectable inmates of the borough who can veil their defects behind money , he remains sardonic , and sees them as poor people who have not been found out .
11 The hope among many is that Lamont , or as looks increasingly unlikely , his successor , will be able to pull back from the second rise when he comes to the December 1994 Budget .
12 Said I 've been sorting the notes out , I 've put them in order back in , so that when he comes to the window all that the office staff got ta do is look through , like we was told to do
13 Bratfisch attempts to entertain the doomed couple at the last meeting before their death and his sorrow as he comes to the graveside of the murdered .
14 Some of that sparkle was shown in his win early this year and as he comes to the race fresh .
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