Example sentences of "[conj] he turned into the " in BNC.

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1 It was at this point that he turned into the drive .
2 No matter how carefully you have studied that Elvis 1968 comeback special look , emulating the King of Sex before he turned into the King of Lard , those around you are reminded more of Alvin Stardust singing ‘ My Coo-Ca-Choo ’ in PVC .
3 Auguste was thankful when he turned into the doorway of the hotel , the sight of other temptations removed from him .
4 When he turned into the car park of an attractive roadside pub Leonora went off to ring her sister while Penry gave their orders .
5 Another man , again in an official car , was a bit late spotting the photographer and , as he turned into the car park , made a halfhearted attempt to pull on his seat belt .
6 As he turned into the lane leading to the Maythorpe estate , he became aware of Madeleine 's hand , now ungloved , ruffling the back of his head .
7 He was already thinking of what he would write to her as he turned into the main road :
8 He glanced at the clock on the dashboard as he turned into the courtyard .
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