Example sentences of "[conj] he looked like [art] " in BNC.

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1 McLeish noted enviously that Mr Hutton was a vision of elegance in one of this year 's broadly striped blue and white shirts : he had tried one on himself recently , and had been forced reluctantly to the conclusion that he looked like a bouncer for an East End club .
2 So O decided that he looked like a beggar after all .
3 O also thought , because of the man 's posture , and the huge overcoat in which he was wrapped , that he looked like a queen in a tragedy which O had seen , who in a terrible moment of despair had sat down , not on a throne or on the marble palace steps , but just right there on the floor .
4 Her brother Jonna bore a startling likeness to their father ; so much so that he looked like a younger version .
5 Her first reaction on seeing the tousle-haired bejeaned actor was that he looked like a slob , but ‘ I thought he was very sexy . ’
6 The factor sat behind a roll-top desk ; he was so bent and atrophied by arthritis that he looked like a crustacean clad in a suit .
7 She thought uncharitably that he looked like a gangster , although there was nothing menacing in the smile that played on his lips whenever he addressed Simone .
8 His shoulders sloped at an alarming angle so that he looked like a pyramid wearing a hat .
9 He knew that he looked like an ox , but that counted for nothing ; an ox could drop in its tracks just as easily as anything else .
10 I saw 'im in the Observer wearing all that leather clobber and 'e looked like a man after me own heart , man .
11 He was a tall , thin man of about fifty and he looked like a bloodhound , even to the wet nose , and had a nauseating habit of drooling sentimentally about his wife to anyone who would listen .
12 I mean when he was born they laid him on me , he 'd had the cord round his neck three times and he looked like a tortoise with his long neck and this little tiny head [ laughs ] .
13 He stood there , the others making a semicircle in the room , and he looked like a criminal before his accusers .
14 Her husband , Bill Clough , seemed awkward and unsure of himself : his suit fitted badly , and he looked like a comic who has unwisely accepted a serious part in provincial rep .
15 He had a nice red car and he had this and he looked like a singer , like er , you know the kind of things that I like , right , women that look , they dress nicer , like .
16 er , there was a lad in a sketch with him , we saw the trailer and he looked like an older version of Macouly Maulkin , or whatever his name is , what 's his name ?
17 He did so , and he looked like the questioner in the studio audience rather than the answerer .
18 Jodami had never been cantered but he looked like a strong old fashioned chaser , ’ said the trainer .
19 ‘ It was pre-Beatles but he looked like a Beatle .
20 There was nothing thuggish about him but he looked like a gymnast .
21 Theo Kojak — because he looked like a knob and sucked a lolly .
22 The air smelt faintly of incense and , of course , that strange smell of faded flowers which emanated from the figure dressed in black who squatted beside Wolsey : Doctor Agrippa , supreme practitioner of the black arts though he looked like a mummer 's version of Friar Tuck in some masque about Robin Hood .
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