Example sentences of "[conj] he 's [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Although he 's got a good job so Pam said I do n't know why he 's got in that problem .
2 And , checking back , the Sounds review of the time ( in which journalist Rab claims that he 's had a tape since November 1980 ) provided the release with a five star rating , while NME was mildly less enthusiastic , observing that ‘ it 's an odd LP , naturally flawed and imperfect and rather stilted in places but nonetheless a worthy attempt at indisciplinary entertainment . ’
3 So he 's waiting to go , so when I think that he 's had a an appointment , I might stand a chance of having one afterwards , I do n't know .
4 But a man who makes his living playing black music suddenly sporting the flag waved on every Nazi march AND toying with skin imagery ( and like or not , lads , the crop and boots HAVE been adopted by Nazis in the USA and Europe ) AND writing ambiguous lyrics about an issue which brooks no ambiguity AND making idiotic remarks about blacks and black music in interviews AND hankering ( in a curiously middle aged manner à la Gary Numan ) after a nice , homogenous ‘ England ’ that never actually existed AND refusing to defend or explain himself — ALL that means , at the very least , that he 's got a case to answer , surely ?
5 I 'm slightly disappointed in erm , 's attitude , especially his last comment , even though I 'm sorry to hear that he 's got a sick dog at the moment .
6 Only it 's just lucky that he 's got a lot !
7 It 's also good I think for , for cricket in general that he 's got a pitch that helps him a bit on the fifth day and that 's how it should be .
8 Hurry up so that he 's got a paddy on at teatime .
9 Trina knows that he 's got a big schlong .
10 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
11 and he 's in inherited a family home , so he 's got a home to live in , but he does n't earn very much does he ?
12 Mercy wants to say , of course , that Cruelty in this god-governed universe is going to be defeated by Mercy , so he 's got a technical problem .
13 Novelist , Andrew Field , claims to have discovered the lost chronicle of Edward de Vere in a hidden compartment of a desk in Chipping Norton , and he 's written a convincing novel round the supposed documents , supporting the theory that de Vere was a diplomat scholar and soldier beloved of Elizabeth the first , that he in fact , wrote the plays and the sonnets .
14 and he 's made a little sort of bird house
15 And then his son they had a Mercs each , and he 's built a new bungalow now in they 've all got massive big places , it 's fantastic the money they made out of it .
16 Because he he he 's done a a you know he he he 's been a a a a what shall I say , a Well he 's done a lot really to promote erm interest in engineering and all that and and he 's done a lot in helping er to young men to become engineers and that you know .
17 So you John now Jonathan he 's only fifteen , I know he looks in his twenties , but he 's only fifteen and he 's done a lot of homework so it makes him late and it makes him uncomfortable and he 's fidgety because he knows he 's got to disturb us when he goes out , he does n't does n't enjoy disturbing us , so I have to make that clear to you .
18 And he 's got a birthmark ! ’
19 ‘ My grandad 's at home and he 's got a car — he 'll drive us there , ’ snapped Tina , ignoring her completely .
20 And he 's got a very considerable sense of humour . ’
21 Mickey Morris summed it up : ‘ He 's a great sportsman and he 's got a brain . ’
22 Muhammad Ali was also influential : ‘ He 's a great sportsman and he 's got a brain , he 's not stupid . ’
23 Erm what I wanted to say is , erm , in response to the lady in the red , was that a lot of feminists have a lot to answer for because , in the sense , men erm can be discriminat , well not discriminated but we can say things about men which are generalizations , whereas if a , one man says one generalized thing about a woman , then he 's just , you know chauvinists is everything , and he 's got a really bad name to him , so I think it 's got to be looked at from both sides .
24 And he 's got a black eye . ’
25 He 's twelve , and he 's got a horse which he rides sometimes . ’
26 I had n't realized till long , long afterwards , until she after she was dead , that er she and her brother came to work , when the Midland Railway came to Nottingham , they left Norfolk , and he 's got a horse , as a carter , and they walked from Holt , in Norfolk , to Nottingham , in search of a job .
27 Erm if we see you know , if we see somebody walking down a walkway , and he 's got a stereo in his arm , arms should I say , and he puts it into a car then obviously it a it arouses our suspicion , we 'll take a quick note of the car 's registration number , and we 'll pass the relevant information through to Police Station .
28 There 's a man just gone upstairs , and he 's got a head like a bladder of lard ! ’
29 David seems very happy and he 's got a lovely little son . ’
30 So he 's got three thousand pounds income , and he 's got a hundred and twenty thousand pound nest egg .
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