Example sentences of "[conj] i go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He recommended that I go to a hospital and see a psychiatrist .
2 ‘ My mum 's brilliant and I go to a lovely young designer called Richard Kinlock , who 's superb .
3 Erm , but generally , ye I mean cos Eileen and I go to a we nearly always go somewhere like Carriages or you know , somewhere Italian which is , you know , it might , it all depends on what Jim 's eating at the time .
4 ‘ I work with women all day and I go to the pub to get away from them ’ …
5 ‘ I remember the date and I go to the grave every Thursday when I 'm in England . ’
6 And then expand on it , and so I go into each of these and I go to the and I say a few words about each of these particular themes .
7 Right , where 's this morning 's paper and I go to the bogs ?
8 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
9 And if I go to a rugby match , I do n't want to be accused of womanising when I 'm at Cardiff Arms Park cheering and shouting . ’
10 I like it brown you know , if I go to a party .
11 Or if I go to a car boot sale and I see some of that
12 They have threatened to beat me up , if I go to the police .
13 If I go to the cinema I 'll have a panic attack and everyone will want to have me thrown out . ’
14 If I go to the car , he 'll be waiting .
15 First I think that if I go to the car , he 'll be waiting , so I wo n't go to the car .
16 ‘ They 've been bringing their dogs to do their business in my front garden , and if I go to the council , d' you know what they 'll say ?
17 If I go to the market to buy a dozen eggs I pay the full price there and then .
18 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
19 Cos if I go to the college I might be able to get a flat .
20 I take her to school , I come back , and my husband shoots off he minds the other two for me while I go to the school .
21 But I think I 've got to get in and I 've got to think well this next six months erm I 've got ta work hard to get in regardless of whether I go voluntary or whether I go to a hospital and learn it at me own you know , expense .
22 ‘ Please do n't break your promise to Dana — I shall survive ; and now you must excuse me , I have a lot to do before I go to the NEC . ’
23 Before I go to the supermarket , I usually stop off for a drink ; I sit at the bar and watch the real world go by .
24 LIVING in England , I never expect to get an architectural thrill when I go to a concert or the theatre .
25 I find it disappointing now that when I go to a completion meeting , I am often the only woman there .
26 When I go to a party I feel there 's an expectation for me to be witty and to be a ‘ party gal ’ , says my friend Alison .
27 But erm if I , when I go to a farm I do n't want spray .
28 ‘ I tend to shower when I go to the gym , but often I have a bath in the evening with my son .
29 When I go to the sauna I see these women and they 're Mum 's age , but they 're overweight , and Mum is fitter than them so she does n't have much to worry about .
30 When I go to the bathroom , I leave one groom in here and lock the horses ’ car door behind me .
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