Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] along the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Final details are still to be agreed , but I took along the usual samples of your work and it looks as though she 'll want to incorporate feature tiles and maybe also a patterned frieze . ’
2 I noticed it first in a school photo , when I looked along the rows , she was there , only it was n't , it was a boy called Robbie Cullen .
3 As I drove along the edge of the lake eastwards , I was hardly conscious of the beautiful and placid scenery .
4 As a young schoolgirl I had always wanted to do something different and to work out of doors , but as I progressed along the educational road these objectives had somehow receded to be overtaken by the more accepted priorities of passing exams and going to university .
5 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
6 A beggar rooted in a bin as I walked along the riverside .
7 As I walked along the road that skirts the southern shore of Loch Leven , I met two fair ones , a Minna and a Brenda , walking leisurely , having as companion a jackdaw .
8 It was a cold , wet , typically late autumnal afternoon as I walked along the old trackbed , avoiding the many puddles of murky rainwater on my way .
9 I ran as fast as I dared along the Tottenham Court Road .
10 I shuffled forward as fast as I dared along the central walkway , figuring this to be less likely to lead me towards a choice-limiting edge .
11 German flares were lighting up the sky behind me as I hurried along the road , keeping close to the houses and in their shadows as much as possible .
12 It was what they used to call a " banger " and it exploded at my feet as I hurried along the dark passage in answer to the door bell 's ring , making me leap into the air in terror .
13 As I bumped along the road on my stomach , my clothing experienced serious stress .
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