Example sentences of "[conj] it 's [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think that 's why he has n't remarried , although it 's been ten years now …
2 The second point is that I 've , the Americans I , I , it 's one of the promises about street life in second from the bottom , two weeks in the winter , four weeks in the summer , well I know to my cost erm through my ear being blasted which is why you 're a County Councillor anyway , that it 's been six weeks at the present time , we 've had a lot of lights going down , okay we 're trying to improve it , we had people walking into cars , er , er a few burglaries which I 'm pleased to say the police have helped out in , but if we 're going to change and get it down from a level of six weeks to two weeks as it is in the area I represent , is that not a question of putting extra resources in it and there 's no good putting promises unless we can deliver .
3 Every time I do a stall I I quake in my boots up until I do it and then I feel great when we 're doing it and afterwards realize that it 's been productive and we we 've had a good lot a good response from the public .
4 It was already making such good progress that it 's been able to grow and improve in spite of so much petty interference as the Labour Group has been able to put on it .
5 and then do your other half of knot , reef knot and tuck it in straight away , you get your pin ready , have it on , either on the table or ready like that , now if you 've got too much material ever you just fold that down , there , if that 's too much , which is n't too much with Denise because it 's the right size sling , sometimes you have to improvise and then you fold if forward and back , firmly , take the pin and put it , put your two fingers down between the casualty so that your fingers are apart and there 's a space between your fingers so you can stick the pin in and out again without any danger , if you put the fingers apart like that , if you do stick the pin in yourself and draw blood would you please throw the pin away , as a matter of automatic hygiene , it must n't be used again once it 's been stuck into somebody
6 Well , I mean , it 's a sticky wicket for them anyway politically and I suspect as with a lot of legislation quite recently they simply have n't spent the time in committee and in consultation to iron out the details and they 've come unstuck when it 's come into the public domain and it 's been easy for people to throw up the paradoxes that are coming up from the legislation , the moral paradoxes .
7 ‘ We were so looking forward to this trip and it 's been awful , ’ Rose whispered , sadly shaking her head .
8 Ian Snodin , back after four hamstrings and two knee operations , said : ‘ That was my first 90 minutes for two-and-a-half years , and it 's been four years since I played a full match in midfield .
9 ‘ Obviously I 'm hopeful of getting to Sweden and it 's been great to be involved with the England squad . ’
10 And it 's been better since we 've been here .
11 and it 's been good fun , they do want to come back
12 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
13 And it 's been six hours of torment for me .
14 My husband Kerry bought me the Boots one for £30 , and it 's been fabulous .
15 Jenny gave me a house-warming present of a radio so I 've been able to listen to music while I write — and it 's been such fun !
16 And it 's been such a relief to be able to speak about it openly for the first time .
17 And it 's been marvellous to keep going .
18 ‘ We have been working on this project for 14 months , and it 's been difficult to persuade people that we have no political objectives .
19 Now the reason why we 've come together and this has been a recent change and it 's been this year , erm is because there are overlaps without going into deep detail , there are overlaps in our work and we were working together as officer 's anyway , but not as well as we should , so what we decided to do was formally integrate the three teams under the same unit , and we do have regular er internal meetings , management team meetings consisting of John , Pete me and Carol and we so we more co-ordinate the work for all the teams much more systema systematically , that we know what everybody 's doing and that way we believe we can use best use of resources we 've got most effectively .
20 But Nigel took the cloak home with him and it 's been another string to his bow ever since .
21 I took two and on Tuesday and it 's been fine since so God knows what 's gone wrong .
22 Yeah , but , you 're mad getting worried to much , you know we had our green house all smashed up and everything and it 's been upsetting ,
23 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
24 said once I said and I , when she 's been going and it 's been cold out there I said to her cos she always comes on a Tuesday dinner time
25 I 've seen I 've seen it been down sub zeros outside and it 's been eighty degrees in our house .
26 And it 's been less than it 's between six weeks and five months has it ?
27 ‘ Listen , I hate to break this up and it 's been wonderful to see you , but I have to get back to the hotel . ’
28 Afterwards Coun Shore , who still has family in Darlington , said : ‘ I always fancied coming back and it 's been lovely .
29 And I , I ran there and ran back to continue my game , at play like and I heard a , mo , her say to mother well I like your lad to go says th look at this cheese it 's never been unwrapped he said those other lads he says it 's always looks as if it 's been unwrapped and
30 ‘ You ask me if it 's been tough .
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