Example sentences of "[conj] it 's hard [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This is one of those channels where it 's hard to find a bad sound ; everything set on 5 is about right , full-bodied but still jangly , exactly how it should be .
2 ’ Family commitments , possibly , ’ said Tom , ’ although it 's hard to see how she could fit any in , the hours she works .
3 HOLIDAY MONEY There are now so many ways holidaymakers can take money abroad that it 's hard to decide which is best
4 So much has been written about this band , their every move painstakingly analysed , that it 's hard to add any startling insight , any new interpretation to the minutiae of Shaun 's behaviour .
5 We may even feel , as certainly I do , that some of the later cantos are of such a nature that it 's hard to conceive in any age of a way of encountering them other than the way we 're here embarked upon .
6 Wright confessed : ‘ When the ball goes in like that it 's hard to contain yourself .
7 Furthermore , it makes the document so much more ‘ professional ’ that it 's hard to think of another single step that can such benefits .
8 There are so many exciting things happening at church these days that it 's hard to keep up with events .
9 Well er , you ca n't say that it 's hard to understand because I 'm a Londoner and
10 She 's had 8 quarters , so it 's hard to put down roots .
11 At harvest time , a lot of families up here visit relatives to help get the crops in , so it 's hard to keep up continuity in the group . ’
12 I ca n't see the park no more , so it 's hard to tell where I am .
13 So it 's hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the planet itself begins . ’
14 None of the old toadies who run these places will accept credit cards , so it 's hard to know how he ran up an Access account of approximately £1200 .
15 It 's hard to decide what you can do if you do n't know how much money you can get , and it 's hard to decide what something will cost if you have n't a clear idea of what you want to do .
16 The richness , breadth and detail of this book is astonishing : to read its pages and it 's hard to put down is to be transported to the world of Paris of 1900 and the rough , dirty , vigourous life of Picasso and his cronies .
17 But let's hope the piana is only an upright : it would be a shame if the child who wants an organ has to go without and it 's hard to see how Santa would manage with a Steinway grand .
18 Almost identical characters ( played there by William Baldwin and Charlie Sheen ) were central to Backdraft and The Rookie , two of the least impressive films of last year , and it 's hard to see why anyone thought the idea was worth doing even once .
19 It strikes me as a great idea , and it 's hard to see how they can lose when you consider that 2000AD magazine sells 300,000 copies a week .
20 Currently the Tories hold twenty three seats , Labour seventeen , and twenty two for the Liberal Democrats , and it 's hard to see tomorrow 's vote allowing any party to take the thirty two seats needed for outright control .
21 The barracking comes from a small minority and it 's hard to take .
22 But it was such an unusual rise to fame , a situation that , apart from Elvis and The Beatles , there really was n't anyone else to make any reference to and say this is how they got through it all , because there had been nobody else of that size who had done it , and it 's hard to say how much of the rise to fame was attributed to DeFries .
23 COSE prides itself on its un-organisation : no dues , no structure , no consortium , no budget , and it 's hard to reckon how such a motley crew , left to its own devices , can even begin to expect to defeat Bill Gates , master of the media , without a common war chest and a seriously orchestrated propaganda campaign .
24 And , and it 's hard to plan around it .
25 and it 's hard to tip the buggy up when I 've got the heaviest it 's , one in the front , it 's easier with the lightest one let's have your reigns on
26 But then I do n't hold with the precept de mortuis nil nisi bonum ( I speak as a doctor , after all ) ; and it 's hard to underestimate the irritation when a critic points out something like that to you .
27 His account of the Italian is sheer joy from beginning to end , and it 's hard to believe that he was almost 87 .
28 And it 's hard to believe that just four months ago he underwent surgery to have an artificial knee and a steel plate put into his leg .
29 Down in the corrie , two sparkling blue-green lochans perch beneath the steep cliffs , and it 's hard to imagine that just over the next two gullies , people in golf jumpers are tucking into sticky buns .
30 There was an obvious theme to the programme that week , but the following show we had Norman Tebbit , John Cleese and Julio Iglesias — and it 's hard to imagine a stranger mixture of people .
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