Example sentences of "[conj] it seemed as [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Then , just when Rachel was feeling she wanted it to go on forever , this exciting masquerade between the two of them where it seemed as if the rest of the world did n't exist , she found herself beside Danny who began stuttering and waving his arms , obviously trying to tell her something .
2 Old feuds of race were diminishing , rivalries and prejudices were by degrees fading out.Such frequent and such intimate relations had thus been established between nations , that it seemed as if they must soon unite in one family , in one single federal state .
3 When it was midnight they took the body of the Cid , fastened to the saddle as it was , and placed it upon his horse Bavieca , and fastened the saddle well : and the body sate so upright and well that it seemed as if he was alive .
4 All these went out so silently , and with such a measured pace , that it seemed as if there were only a score .
5 Some of the great controversies were so trivial that it seemed as if people had positively to search for something to quarrel about .
6 Yet she had timed her appearance so exactly that it seemed as if she had been forewarned of the train 's arrival .
7 Alice Wilson 's cellar dwelling with its brick floor ‘ so damp that it seemed as if the last washing could never dry up ’ would not be far distant from the Davenports ' if the nature of that ‘ dampness ’ were defined .
8 For there was about her cage a silence and stillness so great that it seemed as if she had disappeared .
9 The fog continued to enclose them in their own world for the whole of the next day , deadening all sound outside so that it seemed as if everything was hushed and waiting .
10 She wanted — needed him so much , in spite of everything , that it seemed as if her entire heart and soul were crying out to him .
11 Gradually there arose a faint humming from outside the tent as people gathered to talk and speculate , so it seemed as if those left inside were surrounded by a swarm of curious but not unfriendly bees .
12 Now , The Cheaper Sex had been out in the States for some weeks , and it seemed as if everyone under the age of twenty-one wanted a copy .
13 The German and American had crossed swords on and off the track throughout 1990 and it seemed as if Bradl needed Kocinski 's ‘ presence ’ to inspire him for the final showdown .
14 She felt her breasts rise with her shortened breath , and it seemed as if they were straining to brush his well-developed chest .
15 He did n't answer for a moment , and it seemed as if he was trying to control conflicting emotions .
16 Surprisingly little drink was enough to intoxicate him but it seemed as if the wine released the power in him .
17 She spread hay over him for warmth , but it seemed as if the fever would shake him to pieces .
18 But it seemed as if Bert 's job , possibly conveniently , prevented him from coming anywhere near Four Winds for the time being .
19 I was given a sympathetic hearing , but it seemed as if the only people who really agreed with me were the relatives of the hostages .
20 Robert Dexter 's eyes were shrewd in understanding as he returned her look , but it seemed as if he too realised the wisdom of not putting thoughts into words .
21 Or rather , I could feel the old cautious Bodenland inside , but it seemed as if a new man , fitted for decision and adventure , had taken control of me .
22 He beamed at them again and Caspar was beginning to relax , because it seemed as if they might escape after all and Fenella was remembering about magic being very nearly everyday here , when Pumlumon said , ‘ Of course , that 's so long as I can remember the words . ’
23 There was a moment , as she felt the release from the flimsy protection of her undergarments , when it seemed as if something yet might stop him in the tidal wave of passion , but his intention overwhelmed any such hesitation , and with a moan of desire she put herself entirely into his hands .
24 Ianthe said she would try to come , though it seemed as if Wednesdays in Lent were going to be almost too devotional with her uncle 's course of sermons at St Basil 's in the evenings .
25 Here she felt lonely and depressed , as it seemed as if she 'd made no progress and was back in the same vicious circle again .
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