Example sentences of "[conj] it cause a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is most unlikely for an odour per se to cause actual physical damage , but where it causes a diminution in the selling value of the property or injures the plaintiff 's business by , for example , causing potential customers to be lost , this may be regarded as sufficient invasion of the plaintiff 's interest to be tortious .
2 It was found that the decision of the GMC to prevent advertising in the press was a lawful exercise of the statutory powers conferred on it by s35 of The Medical Act 1983 , and that if a statutory power was exercised intra vires , reasonably and in accordance with the purpose of the Act conferring the power , ( even though it restricted the plaintiff 's freedom to trade or practice his profession ) the court could not review the exercise of the power on the basis that it caused a restraint of trade , since the exercise of the power in accordance with the policy and the purpose of the Act could not be contrary to public policy and any review by the court would be unconstitutional .
3 An instance is provided by the civil war between Pompey and Caesar in the first century BC , when hoarding was so prevalent that it caused a crisis of liquidity .
4 Sugar is positively detrimental to bodybuilding due to the fact that it causes a rise in insulin levels .
5 cos he was thrown against the wall and hit a mole on his head or something and it caused a bruise and it has actually damaged his brain .
6 I 'm not saying it had such a positive effect on his career but it caused a lot of attention which he did n't buckle under , and I do feel a lot of people could n't have lived through that experience , but he did .
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