Example sentences of "[conj] it be actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Take Me , I 'm Yours ’ , an eight-minute guitar tirade later had its name shortened to ‘ Take Me ! ’ ( although it was actually lengthened in playing time to nine minutes on the LP ) after the 100th person pointed out to Gedge that Squeeze had a song of the same name .
2 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
3 But do you know that it 's actually saved you from losing any of these employees .
4 Erm , clearly their is a a long history of cooperation between the authorities on Greater York , and er I think it is important to explain the development of thinking on that , and the reasons why the City Council has , I would say progressively , er reduced its er the warmth of its enthusiasm to such a state that it 's actually become extremely cold now .
5 That it 's actually trying to enforce a pattern of family life that perhaps a lot of people do n't want ?
6 The only reason that , that you 're using a different clef is that it 's actually putting middle C in a different place .
7 The long term trend is that it 's actually going to be more room at the top of the market I think .
8 ‘ Until Sinn Fein gives public , tangible and credible proof that it is actually taking the only ‘ political risk ’ which is meaningful in our situation , namely calling for the cessation of violence , then your words will lack credibility . ’
9 To identify a fluttering shadow as the outline of a bird is not so revealing as the recognition that it is actually cast by a butterfly .
10 Once you have cast off several stitches , move the weight , so that it is actually hanging on the cast off edge .
11 and I second agenda and erm we ask for your attention to para three point four er which is the financial part of this budget really and it says that some contingencies in nursery schools should be increased , erm that it is actually allowed for in the later budget erm the tax payer budget will be .
12 The makers of Until The End Of The World own up that it was actually shot in Bolton with some clever filters and a broken Nintendo
13 No , it 's Serumchromoglycate with it What it What 's it Now we know We know all about that cos we a lot of it in aspirin and problems with noses and things like that , but er I was n't aware that it was actually used by mouth for this .
14 But , as Mr Powers just explained erm I mean , the decision was taken on in , in view of the fact that it was actually going to save them legal fees
15 IBM Corp has had to call in the headhunters again to find itself a new chief financial officer : it has tapped Russell Reynolds Associates , and the executive search firm says that it was actually hired by IBM prior to appointment of Louis Gerstner as chairman and chief executive .
16 It is far more important to be at one 's office desk on time in the morning , to leave late at night , to process the endless paperwork which characterizes such organizations , to attend the endless meetings , and never to complain if they appear to achieve little , than it is actually to achieve the business objective of making more profit .
17 Can I sorry could I could I take obviously take some question people wish to ask a question because I think it 's important that before people start drifting away we actually bring the meeting to some conclusion and determine where we 're gon na go with the meeting once it 's actually passed .
18 Sometimes you 're called in that many times in the , I mean , they put the phone down y , on you , do you know what I mean , and it 's actually getting to speak to the person is just a total shock .
19 It 's actually and it 's actually sewn in into the louvre as opposed to the er the larger weights .
20 Because it would , it would slide back in and it 's actually held in by muscles and ligaments , right
21 Because I mean there 's plenty of epigrams like a rolling stone gathers no moss , but that 's a subject not a verb , and it 's actually saying something totally different , or every time
22 Er and it is actually doing a useful job .
23 I went back to the mother and baby home , for another almost two years , and from there that was I think I said at the beginning , how I actually was introduced to Flats , and it was actually living at the mother and baby home , doing far more work with girls
24 There was one though on the Antique Road Show where there 's erm er girl brought in a kettle and they 've been using it just every day and it was pottery and it was actually to buy her her own house .
25 Argument will only grow in a large organization if it is actually encouraged , and if the example is given from the top with courteous listening and praise for differences of view .
26 So if you want to see if it 's actually worked , alright ?
27 The luck we 're having with cameras you 're lu it 'd be wonderful if it 's actually working .
28 And before very long you found yourself involved with a project which looked as if it was actually going to take over your life .
29 But it is actually called a perfect octave as well .
30 ‘ There is an exotic dancer who you could say , in modern terms , is a strippogram but it is actually set in 1870s Russia so she is an exotic dancer .
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