Example sentences of "[conj] it be cause [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Which means , as we 've already remarked , that it 's caused by some combination of desire and belief : in this case , by Pooh 's desire , not just for honey , but to get a true belief about whether what 's in the pot is honey , and his belief that the way to get that true belief is to taste what 's in the pot .
2 In recent years , there has been some return to the classical view that the real wage is too high and that unemployment is ‘ voluntary ’ in the sense that it is caused by workers refusing to accept wage cuts .
3 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
4 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
5 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
6 What is problematic about this is the common assumption that it is caused by , and in turn indicates , some relationship of efficiency between the object and its use , such that this is the prime reason for its particular form , being either the natural outcome of adaptation , or the product of deliberate design processes for industrial goods .
7 When Newham Members raise the problem with social security Ministers , they are given the official answer that it is caused by the number of Somali refugees .
8 Some scientists believe that it is caused by water pollution .
9 contribution , the havoc that it is causing in terms of non-collection rates and the administrative difficulties that it is causing in magistrates courts ?
10 contribution , the havoc that it is causing in terms of non-collection rates and the administrative difficulties that it is causing in magistrates courts ?
11 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
12 What is incontrovertible is only that I had it , not that it was caused by anything ‘ out there ’ beyond my experience .
13 There was a time when we naively believed that it was caused by Immune Overload — too many stimulants and not enough rest and nutrition .
14 The police say that there is no suggestion that it was the result of terrorism ; the belief rather is that it was caused by building works being carried out as part of the routine modernisation of the royal residences .
15 On behalf of the applicant , Mr. Fitzgerald submitted that a death due to ‘ natural causes ’ in the sense that it was caused by some naturally occurring disease , nevertheless becomes ‘ an unnatural death ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) when it could and should have been prevented by the performance by some other person or authority of a duty owed by them to the deceased .
16 One feminist , Mrs Wolstenholme-Elmy ( who as a young woman determined to follow Mary Wollstonecraft 's example and live with her lover , until on becoming pregnant she took the advice of fellow suffragists and married ) accepted the idea that menstruation was essentially pathological , although she also argued that it was caused by men 's brutality .
17 There was a certain bitter anger in his voice , but it was obvious that it was caused by a tenderness for his grandmother .
18 I was sure dat it was caused by
19 But if a landowner deliberately collects rabbits or game on his land for any purpose , he is liable for damage by them to neighbouring owners if it is caused by his ‘ extraordinary , non-natural or unreasonable action . ’
20 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
21 We could suggest that there could be beliefs of type 1 if there were beliefs which were justified by appeal to the facts and that a belief could be so justified if it was caused by the facts .
22 Here , drought is the crux of the matter and whether it is caused by or causes land degradation .
23 When we turn to that most distinctive feature of cave organisms , regressive evolution , we can not decide whether it is caused by selection or genetic drift ; nor can we settle whether allozymic variation is due to selection or drift .
24 She could n't stop shivering , but whether it was caused by cold or the strain of waiting until fitzAlan won free of the castle she did n't know .
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