Example sentences of "[conj] it be difficult for " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is due to muddy ground where it is difficult for players to get a good grip with their studs , or by a player slipping in the front row .
2 She said : ‘ I am enjoying it although it is difficult for me with the customers as I do n't know the shop . ’
3 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
4 We plumped for crimson and pinks with black , white and silver , and remember that it 's difficult for anyone to avoid using green !
5 ‘ I 'm not saying that women ca n't raise sons on their own , I 'm saying that it 's difficult for a woman to teach , and very near impossible , in my mind , for a woman to teach a young boy how to be a man .
6 This means for the neighbourhood man , the man on the beat , that it is difficult for him to keep a low profile .
7 Modern houses have so many labour-saving devices that it is difficult for the person at home to have adequate exercise by doing chores , cooking , and looking after a family .
8 The stock response to such qualms is that it is difficult for humans to grasp a time scale of such length .
9 One of the main problems in the discussion of the political economy of soil erosion is that it is difficult for author and reader alike to span the great variety and complexity of circumstances ( both physical and social ) under which soil erosion occurs .
10 Heading up high means that it is difficult for anyone to pass since you can always bear away down on to them , forcing them to sail in your dirty wind .
11 Far from being a luxury or a peripheral activity , music often meets basic needs : ‘ There exist a good many people for whom music is so important that it is difficult for them to conceive of life without it .
12 For people of my generation , children of the sixties , sex and freedom are so inextricably connected that it is difficult for us to accept that someone can be totally uninhibited in bed and still have a Reader 's Digest mentality .
13 To ensure that each person has a turn , but that it is difficult for those playing to predict when their number is coming up , I have a system of calling the numbers out .
14 A management may be such that it is difficult for the worker to identify in any way with them .
15 Most business people receive so much correspondence that it is difficult for them to deal with all their correspondence immediately on receipt .
16 A hyaena 's nasal membranes have a surface area fifty times bigger and the richness of the information they can gather is so great and varied that it is difficult for us to appreciate it .
17 The result is that more rather than fewer cases are created , with staff conforming rather than innovating , for they realize that it is difficult for their superiors to complain of their being too efficient or too industrious .
18 The strategy is that it is difficult for a predator to home in on its target in the confusion which follows an attack on a shoal which scatters in all directions .
19 I think that he knows that it is difficult for the Government to accept any proposal before the question of Community law is resolved , and also that his proposals are relatively controversial .
20 Does the hon. Gentleman really wish to imply that it is difficult for young children to buy cigarettes from a local corner shop ?
21 The UK Parliament is certainly not widely regarded as being at all competent in the scrutiny which it exercises over public spending , and few people are under the illusion that it is difficult for government departments to deceive MPs and Select Committees about necessary levels of expenditure and unnecessary levels of waste .
22 It has already been pointed out that it was difficult for many part-time farmers to get time away from their jobs so adult training normally took place in the evenings and at weekends .
23 She was very afraid of taking weight through her left leg , and could only feel deep sensations on her left side , so that it was difficult for her to know where her arm and leg were in space .
24 The first — from 1952 to 1957 — was so undistinguished that it was difficult for filmgoers to believe that she was the same actress who returned to movies after five years on Broadway .
25 The day was a continuous series of interruptions so that it was difficult for clients to have any real period of rest and quiet .
26 Some of the defenders of the domestic load , such as Dennis Bellamy ( chairman of the Yorkshire Board ) , occasionally quoted cost and load data to justify their views , but these were based on such a biased sample of observations that it was difficult for any serious enquirer to accept them at face value .
27 But he was so close , his other hand pulling her hard against his naked chest , his face so near to her own that it was difficult for her to breathe — so difficult that she had to open her mouth to draw in air only to find that he 'd taken advantage of the opportunity to deepen his kiss into one of familiarity .
28 The hon. Gentleman then implied that it was difficult for people to obtain certificates because of the cost of obtaining the qualifications .
29 ‘ A man may deposit on his land excrement which is foul smelling and a nuisance , but it may be that the evil effects wear off in twenty-four to forty-eight hours so it is difficult for a local authority to serve an abatement notice and prove that the nuisance was still in existence when service was made , whereas now , once the deposit is made and is indeed a statutory nuisance , then the statutory nuisance has occurred , and if the local authority are satisfied it will occur again they may serve a prohibition notice ’ .
30 It has a more compact cellular structure so it is difficult for moisturisers to work well on the epidermis .
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