Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] cause [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The British East India Company was largely opposed to the idea of missionary work , fearing that it might cause hostility among the natives and disrupt its trade .
2 However , it does cause similar abnormalities in monkeys and there is evidence that it may cause blood vessels in the limbs to leak , which leads to severe damage of the surrounding cells .
3 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
4 There is some evidence that it can cause schizophrenia .
5 These can harm the consumer — the ban on the sweetening agent cyclamate on the grounds that it could cause cancer is a case in point .
6 We felt that if smokers were going to use smoking rooms phones would n't be covered and it would cause resentment amongst non-smokers who had to cover for them .
7 If we insisted on electricity generators buying expensive coal , that would be bad news for domestic electricity customers and it would cause job losses in the rest of British industry .
8 He says the baby will hit the straps and it will cause injury .
9 The lack of liability in unlawful act manslaughter for an omission which caused death has been criticised on the grounds that an omission , especially a deliberate one , is blameworthy , and it can cause death .
10 It is worth remembering that with increasing age , the symptoms of cystitis may be less dramatic but it can cause incontinence of urine .
11 It is compatible with the canon of artistic detachment , but it can cause controversy .
12 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
13 Glaxo 's scientists say omeprazole should be used sparingly because it might cause cancer ; Astra believes its drug is no more dangerous than ranitidine and has worked hard to prove it .
14 This behaviour should not be encouraged , because it can cause damage to the lawn or plants .
15 As usual in intonation work in this book , punctuation is left out , since it can cause confusion .
16 Roy Hattersley wants the archaicism of Clause Four erased , a sensible change , though it might cause trouble from the die-hards .
17 This should be done with sensitivity , however , as it may cause anxiety should the neophyte teacher feel that she or he is being assessed in teaching skills , especially if the member of teaching staff is unfamiliar .
18 This kind of mismatch is not so obvious as the other , but it should not be forgotten , as it can cause difficulty in understanding .
19 Armed with this perspective , library staff may perhaps be more likely to respond to the specious logic of their political masters , eager to turn an honest penny as long as it will cause controversy and save money from the Westminster rate-cappers .
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