Example sentences of "[conj] the opportunity for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not simply that these areas suffer from deprivation and poverty , but there is a danger of many outer estates , in particular , becoming areas which have a quite different social and economic system , operating almost at subsistence level , depending entirely on the public sector , where the opportunities for improvement either through self-help or through outside intervention are minimal .
2 It is based on the conviction that women 's liberation is principally about personal and social change but that the opportunity for consciousness-raising and intellectual clarification of ideas and strategies , together with the consolidation that can come from collective support and struggle , constitutes really useful knowledge in the old radical sense .
3 Although there was not a deliberate effort to discriminate on the grounds of sex , it was clear that the opportunities for girls to take CDT or for boys to take home economics were severely limited by the way the curriculum was organised .
4 An internal system of control of a business should be designed to ensure that the policies of the management are being followed , that financial records are accurate , that the assets of the company have been safeguarded and that the opportunities for fraud are kept to a minimum .
5 The evaluators were convinced that the opportunities for schools to benefit from the expertise and efforts of the DCSLs were considerably enhanced by the project .
6 An ambitious Dane , Leif Haraldsen had been attracted to the Algarve by its business potential and the opportunity for water sports , and was now the owner of a thriving kitchen-installation company .
7 He points to the rewards of being a student — leisure , freedom and the opportunity for self-development .
8 In education , although legislation promises increased power to parents and the opportunity for schools to opt out of local education authorities , it also promises a greater power for head teachers and , in the case of City Technology Colleges , a greater direct input from industry .
9 The suggestion is not that we should lift the laws of libel , which would be one other possible step to take , because if we were to do so witnesses would be inhibited and the opportunity for justice would be damaged .
10 In return for your skills , we offer salaries as stated , a comprehensive benefits package and the opportunity for career progression .
11 There is a tennis court and the opportunity for guests to learn wind-surfing , water-skiing , horse riding and dancing ( charges payable locally ) .
12 This gave the baronage a strong sense of cohesion ; but the large families which many of them had , and the opportunities for enrichment and impoverishment which growing population and growing wealth provided , meant that any great man had a large number of poor relations , and that the rungs on the ladder between the poor knights and the great princes were thronged with men moving up and down , sometimes at breakneck speed .
13 MSC are opposed to schemes which can be defined by them as political or critical of prevailing government policy — in practice , this leaves courses for women which concentrate on traditional job skills and traditional job expectations — even though those skills are not valued in the present economic climate and the opportunities for women in the labour market are negligible .
14 At high levels of the machinery , the complexity of the structure creates lengthy delays in the processing of negotiating items , and the opportunities for procrastination ( for example , in arranging meetings ) are exploited by both management and unions to suit their purposes .
15 But in abandoning the reforms , Kenya is also throwing away its chance to begin to rid the economy of the tight centralised government control — and the opportunities for corruption which that presents — which will undermine any chance of recovery .
16 The Greater York authorities are satisfied that a hundred and forty five hectares represents an appropriate overall land allocation for the area in the context of its sub- regional importance as an employment centre , a need for greater flexibility in terms of providing land for new industrial and commercial uses , the relocation requirements of existing firms , the amount of land already committed and the opportunities for employment related development identified through the Greater York study .
17 Industry , especially chemical and pharmaceutical , was no less involved in the great expansion , and the opportunities for research were on an unprecedented scale .
18 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
19 Some of the gains made by the nobility in the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s have already been discussed , but the opportunities for enrichment were open to men of all ranks .
20 The changes in arbitration law may make this question less important in the future ; a finding that a reference was an arbitration will not improve the chances of a successful challenge , because the opportunities for appeals from arbitration awards are now so scarce : see 15.8.3 .
21 They came to Anoch in the early afternoon , having to break their journey early , because the opportunities for food and lodging were not evenly distributed between Fort Augustus and Glenelg : Johnson says , ‘ the only house , where we could be entertained , was not further off than a third of the way ’ .
22 When the opportunities for détente revived after 1969 de Gaulle had left office and West Germany , not France , became the driving force in contacts with Russia .
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