Example sentences of "[conj] the miner ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you feel justified in smoothing the figures across the sudden oil price rise of 1974 or the miners ' strike of 1984 ?
2 What is also clear is that the miners ' strike left deep ideological scars .
3 In fact there 's , very near the start of the unions in and o er that , that the miners ' union was one of the first to start up .
4 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
5 Under the agreement the government would help the coal industry to reduce its indebtedness and provide more funds for restructuring , although it was stressed that the miners ' wage demands , such as ending pay differentials between pits , had not been conceded .
6 In the event the issue was largely forgotten in the upheaval following the General Strike in 1926 , although the Miners ' Federation was from that time on a strong supporter of a national non-contributory scheme of family allowances .
7 The suddenness of the pits crisis evoked a popular reaction , and the miners ' voice is being heard .
8 She remembered a little of the acrimony , of the mounting bitterness within the house , of their winter of discontent , which was so much part of and not part of the winter outside , and the miners ' strike .
9 The two most important episodes in public order policing during this period were the CND campaign against cruise missiles in the first half of the decade , and the miners ' strike during 1984/5 ; we will examine each of these in turn .
10 The policing of CND rallies and the miners ' strike could hardly be said from the Government 's point of view to have failed , and certainly the police did not suffer for want of legal powers .
11 ( e ) The independent inquiry established by NCCL on Civil Liberties and the Miners ' Dispute referred in its interim report to a number of complaints which it received about tapping of telephones and the interception of mail .
12 But the miners ' sense of anger at the prolonged destruction of their industry is also worthy of note .
13 But the miners ' attitude was frightening .
14 But the miners ' roadshow did n't work .
15 But the miners ' strike did not only reveal that èlite groups of police officers were operating to some extent under national co-ordination and control .
16 The two main resolutions on the " United Front " and Communist affiliation did , in any case , receive half a million votes each and were backed by such important bodies as the Miners ' Federation and the Amalgamated Engineering Union .
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