Example sentences of "[conj] be felt to [be] " in BNC.

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1 You can use the program to create a personal history of problems that are felt to be related to certain substances .
2 The question would be posed more specifically , distinguishing between the types of physical characteristics that were felt to be relevant to teaching and those , such as hair colour , which were not .
3 One possible answer is that in periods of structural change major upheavals and dislocation are felt — a crisis is obvious — whereas in the intervening years changes occur smoothly and are felt to be less dramatic .
4 Even our code of etiquette , with its rule that women always have precedence , is a legacy from courtly love , and is felt to be far from natural in modern Japan or India …
5 We have , then , two different kinds of language as potential objects for study : one abstracted in order to teach a language or literacy , or to study how the rules of language work , and another which has been used to communicate something and is felt to be coherent ( and may , or may not , happen to correspond to a correct sentence or a series of correct sentences ) .
6 The renewal , after the dreary state of the early years of the century , seemed a miracle in itself and was felt to be one .
7 A campaign for a People 's Front would detract from their attempts to influence the Labour Party , and was felt to be inspired by Lloyd George , with whom the Communists had a long standing feud , dating back to the First World War .
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