Example sentences of "[conj] [am/are] unlikely [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 There are many other books , even if they are not in quite so exclusive a category , that are unlikely to be found in any form at all ; to take a miscellaneous selection , Wordsworth 's and Coleridge 's Lyrical Ballads ( 1798 ) ; the suppressed first edition of Alice in Wonderland ( 1865 ) ; the first edition , first issue , of Fergus ( Ferguson Wright ) Hume 's Mystery of a Hansom Cab ( 1886 ) , John Bunyan 's Book for Boys and Girls : or , Country Rhimes for Children ( 1686 ) and Edgar Allan Poe 's Tamerlane ( 1827 ) .
2 People know the evidence of their pockets and are unlikely to be easily persauded that Mrs Thatcher 's Britain has been , or has yet become , the economic disaster area which Mr Kinnock depicted .
3 They require a powerful tractor , and are unlikely to be used on a smallholding .
4 As well as their daily pint of fresh milk taken in one form or another , if they can be encouraged to cook themselves some fresh green and root vegetables several times a week , so much the better , but these menus are designed primarily for old people who dislike spending much time on the preparation of their food and are unlikely to be persuaded past a certain point of effort .
5 Business people are usually travelling at the company 's expense and are unlikely to be on a strict budget .
6 These North Hill examples are probably contemporary with another mosaic from North Hill which has " L " shapes around a central square ( although the former are technically inferior , and are unlikely to be predominantly — if at all — the work of the same mosaicists ) .
7 Er , I mean lots of people have got nothing to do and are unlikely to be employed during that time .
8 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
9 Although Uzell reckons there are no real dominant players , he divides the competition into four main areas : computer vendors , such as IBM Corp and ICL , which he reckons have the geographical scope and financial muscle to deal with the global demands of systems integration projects , but are unlikely to be independent , are often too hardware-oriented and lack the relevant software expertise ; management consultancies , such as Arthur Andersen and Price Waterhouse , which he believes do have the necessary business knowledge , but generally lack implementation skills and have little experience of large-scale project management ; telecommunications suppliers , such as AT&T Co and France Telecom , which again he reckons are too hardware-oriented and short of software skills ; and software houses , such as Electronic Data Systems Corp and Cap Gemini Sogeti SA , which he recommends for their independence and expertise , but feels that few are international enough or have the necessary financial clout to handle large deals .
10 scope notes on the other hand , may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index .
11 Host : Domestic dog and wild carnivores Site : Lung parenchyma Species : Filaroides milksi F. hirthi Distribution : North America , Europe and Japan The worms are very small , slender , hair-like and greyish , and are not only difficult to see with the naked eye in the lung parenchyma , but are unlikely to be recovered intact from the tissue .
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