Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] believed [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that the key issue is the extent to which there was ( or was believed to be ) a significant Soviet threat to those supplies , especially in southern Iran .
2 Each had taken their cue , at some time or other , from the behaviours that were believed to be appropriate , and had developed to the point where they were thoroughly dysfunctional .
3 The expert used a ouija board in an attempt to contact the spirit that was believed to be tormenting them .
4 At the tip of the gull 's bill is a red spot that was believed to be the signal to the chick to peck .
5 For many years they were known only from fossil representatives and were believed to be extinct .
6 Phil Wells , 48 , vanished from Heathrow Airport following the theft of the money in 1989 and was believed to be living somewhere in Florida , or possibly dead .
7 Noble had been in hiding since his participation in the December 1989 coup attempt against the Aquino government — the most serious to date — and was believed to be closely associated with the Reform the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) , the dissident movement within the military led by the now fugitive colonel , Gregorio " Gringo " Honasan .
8 Although the Soviet Union ended fuel subsidies to Cuba from Jan. 1 , 1991 , it agreed to supply 10,500,000 tonnes of oil which represented a shortfall on promised supplies and was believed to be the bare minimum sufficient to meet Cuba 's needs [ for previous shortfalls in Soviet oil supplies see p. 37813 ] .
9 A former Supreme Court Justice and broad supporter of Aquino , he announced his candidacy on Nov. 22 , and was believed to be backed by several powerful corporations .
10 The fire , at Cragside , was in a first floor bedroom and was believed to be caused by electrical equipment overheating .
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