Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] at the heart " in BNC.

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1 It is this tension between the grandiose themes of cosmology and its mundane workings that sits at the heart of Dennis Overbye 's superb book .
2 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
3 It is the attempt to examine some of these interdisciplinary intersections that lies at the heart of this text .
4 Associativity provides a cellular analogue of classical conditioning , and is an implicit property of the Hebb synapse , the computing element that lies at the heart of the current interest in neural computation .
5 Although the campaigns in which Mrs Whitehouse and her associates have been involved during this period may , on the surface , seem particularly disparate and eclectic , if one looks below the surface — as Tracey and Morrison have done particularly thoroughly — then it is the diminishing influence of the Church in moral issues that lies at the heart of NVALA action and concern .
6 For us now , I think , the desolation that lies at the heart of this music needs no additional dissonance or atonalism to guarantee its creativity , and the grim joviality of ‘ King Pest ’ , in the Rondo Burlesca , is savage farce of a particularly modern ( as well as Elizabethan ) kind : compare for instance , the fiercely jaunty ‘ Out there , we 've walked quite friendly up to Death ’ in Britten 's War Requiem .
7 He must think in terms of thousand upon thousand of repetitions when practising a particular kata , for only through constant repetition will he be able to master the basic fighting movements and to achieve the physical and spiritual sensitivity that lies at the heart of the martial arts .
8 The administration 's strongest criticism to date of Mobutu came in testimony to the Senate foreign relations committee on Nov. 7 by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen , who accused Mobutu of " an apparent unwillingness to distinguish between state finances and his own , a failing that lies at the heart of Zaïre 's dismal economic record " .
9 To design a means of navigating effectively amongst thousands of images , video sequences , sound , text and numerics , all seamlessly combined as a single information resource , is a challenging problem and one that lies at the heart of successful multimedia applications .
10 It is , however , Falstaff himself that lies at the heart of the opera and Colin Rees proved a master of the role .
11 THERE 'S something about the accordion that tugs at the heart strings .
12 This is often extraordinarily hard to achieve , but remains at the heart of a successful schools .
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